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Brazilian Baseball Championship '23 (Campeonato Brasileiro de Beisebol Adulto 2023) 1.0.0

   (1 review)

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About This File

Hello Everybody!

I was browsing, just for some giggles, witch teams in my country (Brazil) was playing and if they had an Brazilian Baseball League, turns out not only they do, but my hometown (Atibaia) won 8 whole times!
So, as an native, i HAD to make an mod for SMB about the tournament, and I did, with a lot of work (i had to make every logo by hand because i didn't know how to import logos 😓) and frustration, it's ready!

This is 10 teams from this year CBBA (Brazilian Adult Baseball Championship, translating freely), it's not the accurate rules, since they had a weird 3 round robin format that the game doesn't support, so I made a single conference 20 game franchise and 4 teams playoffs

One other thing, IT DOESN'T HAVE THE PLAYERS, since getting the players names was really really hard, i couldn't take the names of all players, but if my fellow Brazilian players could take any names, let me know and i will gladly put then in the pack!


Thanks everyone, and I hope you like it!

What's New in Version 1.0.0   See changelog


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Nossa que prazer em dizer que ficou incrível esse mod, e maior ainda em saber que existem brazucas aqui no fórum também vlw pelo seu trabalho.


Wow, what a pleasure to say that this mod was amazing, and even greater to know that there are brazucas here on the forum, thank you for your work.

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