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I bring you this roster that I am updating as the offseason progresses until we reach opening day with the roster ready, but first of all it has a save of your roster before installing this one. Here I've put realistic contracts, I'm removing players who don't accumulate stats during franchise mode, and removing all retired players who are in free agency. So far you can play two seasons in a row with any team in franchise mode, I will also be adding some prospects. Waiting for new updates!!!

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You must take into account for a next roster to put in each organization (MLB, AAA, AA, A) a maximum of 25 players, otherwise many faces will not appear. greetings

jesu palacios


No puedo acceder a My player con el router se quita. Solución porfavooor 




It is not compatible with my career, can you solve it?

It is removed when I want to access my career, can you solve it?



Greetings friend, congratulations on this great work, hey but when it comes to the day of the substitutions draft, the game closes and does not allow progress, that is the first days of June, what mistake could that be?


saludos amigo, felicidades por este gran trabajo, oye pero cuando llega al dia del draft de sustituciones, el juego se cierra y no permite avanzar, eso es los primeros dias de junio, que error sera ese?



when i load the roster file and go to main page it bug me an i cant play or do anything even close the game


Alejo Reyes


Esta bueno el roster pero cuando llega al Draff se me cierra el juego por afavor arreglenlo por que de verdad q el rostr esta muy completo 



I must be missing something, when I download it the zipped folder is empty?

킹정후 123


아진짜 이마나가랑 좀 선수좀 넣어라 일좀해라 짜증나네진짜

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