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Sup Y'all

Since i couldn't play 2K12 because of a bug in my PC, i decided to join 2K11, but i noticed didn't have newer rosters, so i decided to make a recent one inspired in "The Show", great part of the OVR of the players is from TS! (yes, some of them is really OP, but feel free to edit)

All the players was created in the own 2K creation mode, the roster include 50 New players (the limit of creation mode) based in "The Show", so is normal to find a lot of 2K11 players and some of them need to enter in the starting lineup!

I also changed the "Indians" to "Guardians", and "Florida" to "Miami" (I didn't changed the Logos!)

I Dunno if i will made the full roster, since demand too much time, i already tested and liked, i hope y'all enjoy :) !

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