About This File
Jim825s combo datafile mods v2.0
This mod contains two combo datafiles.
The file "trues_pared_spitoon_noReplay_outfldBack_infld_In_lowBat5_datafile.txt" contains the following modifications:
- Trues batting camera #4
- Trues change to remove batter walkup music
- Pareds Behind the Pitcher camera #6
- Spitoons walk fix (which reduces the size of the "sweet spot" in the pitching meter)
- Trues changes to remove foul ball replays
- Spitoons changes to move the outfielders back
- abhalls HH low batting view camera #5
- Spitoons changes to move the infielders in
For those who find Spitoons walk fix too challenging (i.e. it makes it too hard to pitch), I have also included the file "trues_pared_noReplay_outfldBack_infldIn_lowBat5_datafile.txt" which has all the above modifications EXCEPT for Spitoons walk fix.
Changes from combo datafile mod v1.0
In this version of the mod, I have added Spitoons changes to move the infielders in to try to reduce the number of catches made in the outfield by the infielders.
To install the datafile, extract the datafile you want to use, rename it to "datafile.txt" and then copy the file to your MVP2005 Baseballdata folder.
The specific changes to the datafiles are listed in the readme file.