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universal grass minimizer ver. 1.1 This mod will replace the grass in EVERY stadium with a minimized texture that should eliminate all shimmering grass. This version is really looking pretty solid - I think even people who are having little or no shimmering might want to give this one a try. It definitely gives a cleaner and (imho) a more pleasing look to the game. New for ver1.1: 1) Fixed the weird, blinking seam between grass and infield dirt in all stadiums except: RFK (dark line above seam), Kauffman (no "sgra" file - the file that controls seam), and Create-a-Stadium (weird light-green line that appears in parts of seem even in unmodded version). Also, SBC park is still a little strange due to the high contrast between the dark grass and the very light infield dirt - I didn't want to change the unique character of the field by reducing the contrast, but it is still an improvement over ver1.0. 2) Improved the pattern and texture for RFK significantly. I think it looks great and is a big improvement, but there is still a problem with the seam between grass and infield dirt as noted above. 3) Improved the pattern and texture for Skydome. 4) Improved the pattern and texture for Tropicana. Some people might not be crazy about this one, but I think the change does better reflect the matted look of Fieldturf at the Trop. *******Very big thanks to Trues and paulw for the idea and info about adjusting stadium grass and texture to help reduce shimmering. TYVM guys.******* Instructions for installation are included in the readme file. This fix should not interfere with any other mods u have on on your stadiums, but USE AT YOUR OWN RISK AND REMEMBER TO BACK UP YOUR FILES. Please post your comments and suggestions in the "universal grass changer v1.1" thread on the forums - screenshots will be posted there also. raindelay7

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