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About This File


HexEditor is a freeware binary file editor.

HexEditor is a powerful editor, whose advanced features will strongly simplify the editing process.


* Loads files up to 2 GB in a couple of seconds!

* Multi-document, multi-window interface. You can open as many files as you want, as well as open as many windows per file as you want. Later you can use Copy(Cut)/Paste operations between opened files.

* Autorestore feature that helps you restore opened files after system failure.

* Powerful Find feature.

* Drag&drop and other shell integration features.

* Goto (or jump) feature that allows you to move to any absolute or relative location in the file.

* Fill feature that can fill tens of Megabytes with undo support!

* Full Undo support. (The only limit is your hard disk free space).

* Expanding (inserting several parts) files, deleting parts of files etc. with full undo support.

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