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Thank you for downloading my my first cyberface. This cyberface is for the Los Angeles Dodgers' relief pitcher, Duaner Sanchez. ====EASY INSTALL===== 1. Simply deposit all contents into your DATA folder in your MVP DIRECTORY. 2. Run the .bat installer and wait until successful install. 3, Go to MVPedit and assign Duaner's face number as 624. Save and load your database into the game. If you already have a player assigned to face 624, simply change the files names and .bat file to the appropriate number. If you don't know how to do this, please pm me and I'll assist you. BIGGUI INSTALL- 1. Simply open your BigGui application and load models.big. Import the fsh, ord, orl files and compress them. 2. DO NOT REBUILD! Simply wait a few seconds and close the application. 3. YOUR DONE! SPECIAL THANKS- Jogar84 for his tutorial

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Great job for your first attempt. Also, great instructions.

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