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In this pack you will find some updates for the Toronto Blue Jays uniform set in MVP Baseball 2005. All uniforms are made in 2xlite format plus there ara four extra uniforms. *************** Notes for v1.0: 1) This update is based in my lastest 2xlite pack for the Blue Jays in MVP Baseball 2004. 2) I've added a fantasy Spring Trainig-like uniform with blue jersey and two colored cap 3) Fonts are taken from my lastest 2004 version and I think they are more accurate than the default ones. 4) All retro uniforms also included. Early 90's takeb from last year's pack and I decided to remake EA's 1997 alternate. The font is fixed and I waisted some work remaking the catcher helmet, that is not used in this uniform :-( 5) Black jersey now aviable for road games too. 6) I'm trying Yammer's scripts in white jersey uniform. I haven't used them in any other ones 'cause of my jerseys are still too small to keep the effect well, but I thinks some scripts still show some good 3D textures. So I hope to be using more of these. 7) For uniforms with graphite cap, I've kept the black batting helmet and the far view is also black. 8) Patch added to right sleeve for all main current season uniforms. **************** Notes for v2.0: 1) All current season uniforms now come with 2005 2xlite manager jacket. 2) Sleeve size fixed to be 265x128 instead 192x96 in those uniforms that need the fix. 3) Two more extra uniforms based on Virtuoso Design's concepts. This is a test and I haven't asked anybody for the logos. It doesn't mean I'm seriusly planing to make the same with the remaning teams. I just wanted to give a blue identity to the team and I guess the result is ideal for a dinasty. They seam to be based in the legendary 70's-90's uniforms. Enjoy them!. 4) My blue BP-like jersey is gone, to make room for one of Virtuoso's concepts too. 5) Fantasy uniforms also come with custom number fonts made by myself.

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