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****** Notes 1) The set includes almost all the uniforms I made for both teams this year, even my 'Nolan' and 'Ozzie' uniforms, since these were some of my most complete sets. 2) WS05 patch on right sleeve for each 2005 gear. 3) I've fixed Astros jersey sleeves to avoid the fatty's sleeve glitch, so Clemens arms will look right :) 4) Changed White Sox shoe model for a more standard Reebok one. 5) Removed my fantasy Mets-like jersey from White Sox stock to add the Black jersey with pinstripes pants gear. 6) Notice extra 2005 uniforms, like Astros white uniforms with maroon cap and White Sox black jersey with pinstripes pants have no numbers on jersey front because the game engine don't show them with extra uniforms. 7) Custom Team logos featuring World Series 05 Crest. Thanks to: -Capn' for his so nice fonts throug all the season. -Again, and always to Chris Creamer for his great site, the best resource to find logos and scripts www.sportslogos.net -KCCitystar, not just for the batting gloves, but for his great work updating uniforms since MVP Baseball 2003. Tons of great uniforms since then. -Bigbully for his great files and all the help. -People at www.mvpmods.com for hosting my files and tons of great mods for MVP Baseball series. -The list is much longer, look for any 2004 pack to see ;-) Enjoy the uniforms and thaks for giving them a try!.

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