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Adds cyberfaces for the Padres ORGanization. MLB Josh Bard Josh Barfield Rob Bowen Doug Brocail Clay Hensley AAA Jon Adkins Manny Alexander Luke Allen Jason Anderson Steve Andrade Matt Blank Cesar Carrillo Scott Cassidy Jack Cust Jon Knott George Kottarras Pete Laforest Justin Leone Dave Matranga Paul Mcanutly Cla Meredith Brian Sweeney Mike Thompson Jared Wells AA Erick Burke Luke Carlin Luis Cruz Dustin Delucchi Brett Dowdy Chase Headley John Hudgins Michael Johnson Kennard Jones Ryan Meaux Evan Meek Mario Ramos Vince Sinisi Stephen Smitherman Sean THompson A Matt "The Worst #1 Draft Choice ever" Bush Josh Geer Dirk Hayhurst Josh Howard Sean Kazmar Cesar Ramos Jeremy Cleveland These cyberfaces Replace the following players and you need to go into mvpedit and give them generic default faces. You can of course edit these however and assign them any numbers you choose. All files are compressed already. Costanzo Marson Hinckley Jaramillo Mcewing Haigwood Mantei Osuna Valderamma Ellsbury Soto Mullholland Remlinger Womack Nomo Alfonseca Batista Tony Vina Relaford Grieve Golson Al Reyes Petegine Eric Duncan Hidalgo darrel may appier sparks deivi cruz pokey reese brandon moss stinnett Baldwin Miguel Perez Jared Sandberg juan padilla felix escalona tim moss tuiasosopo

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