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NOTE: THIS WILL NOT REPLACE ANY UNIFORMS, IT WILL AD IT TO SLOT D FOR THE BLUE JAYS. (it the black jerseys with the grey pants). Thank you to Krawhitham for the installer as well as answering tons of questions as this was my first attempt at a mod. Thanks also to Kccitystar for letting me use his Uniforms as a base for this. Thank you to kapnkirk13 for allowing me to include his number fix. As you can see this is not only some of my work, but mostly the works of others that I combined. Therefore, I don't have my own paypal account so I will include those of the people that helped me. If you do enjoy this, please help them out as they are doing this for your pleasure. You can donate to: Kccitystar's paypal: kccitystar@optonline.net Krawhitham's paypal: paypal@mvplanet.com kapnkirk's paypal: k.baethke@shaw.ca INSTALLATION Run the .exe file and waIt until it finishes, it will automatically compress all the files for you.

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