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This will update the horrible looking dirt and grass ea made. With much better textures in hi res. UPDATE: Fixes Spots and crash issues ANd includes 3 installers. ONe with -40 Contrast which will rerduce the shimmering some people with lower computer specs are having but will lower grass quality, -80 contrast that will severly lower the grass texture but no shimmering will happen if you have a 1995 computer lol. ANd of course THE HI RES version Grass and Dirt Special thanks: ChicagoCubs720 for testing the mod and supplying me with a good dirt file frim hh2004 so that I can make my dirt texture using that file.And to everyone at mvpmods.com. Without you guys this all would not be possible. Thanks for all your support and appreciation for my work. It makes everything worth it. Also a special thanks to serialmike for making the grass texture which I modified to have no shimmering And a Very special thanks to WarriorxLegolas for making the installer. Thanks for all you help and now everyone can enjoy the mod without the hard steps of editing the files

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