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SwinginSoriano's Batter Walk up Music / Ditties

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SwinginSoriano's (With permission from Dwillister and EDM) Batter Walkup Music Mod Version 2.2 -----Changes Since Previous Version----- - Volume for pop, rock, and heavy rock has been decreased (again) Pop 46: Start Me Up, The Rolling Stones 47: High Enough, Damn Yankees 48: Losing My Religion, REM 49: Born to Run, Bruce Springstein 50: If You Needed Somebody, Bad Company 51: Keep On Rocking the Free World, Neil Young 52: Free As a Bird, The Beatles 53: Free Fallin', Tom Petty 54: Bounce, Bon Jovi 55: Mr. Jones, Counting Crows Rock 56: Bat Country, Avenged Sevenfold 57: Once, Pearl Jam 58: Faint, Linkin Park 59: Smells Like Teen Spirit, Nirvana 60: Animals, Nickelback 61: Grind, Alice In Chains 62: Whispers in the Dark, Skillet 63: Talk, Coldplay 64: I Used to Love Her, Body Count Heavy Rock 65: Computer God, Black Sabbath 66: Body Breakdown, Dragonforce 67: Cherry Pie, Warrant 68: The Body Thief, Faster Pussycat 69: It Gets Me Through, Ozzy Osborne 70: The Wicker Man, Iron Maiden 71: Cult of Personality, Living Colour 72: Bad Boys, Whitesnake 73: Knocking at Your Back Door, Deep Purple -----Installation----- - Chose the version you want (the old version is in a separate folder) - Cut/paste batdit.ast and move it to program files -> EA Sports -> MVP Baseball 2005 -> data -> audio -> cd -> aems - Back up and overwrite your old file - You're done! -----Will there be an update?----- Maybe, or maybe not. It depends on if I decide to overhaul the Dance, Hip Hop, and Latin ditties. Possibly I'll decrease the volume on those as well but I'm not sure if I'll put the time into it. This is simply a personal mod, made for my own enjoyment. It's not perfect but it's uploaded if it suits you. Possibly the decreased volume will make it possible to hear Krukow and Kuiper during the game. Let's see if that's the case. ----Other Notes----- The pop-rock-format is in tact for the most part. For 'pop' I used mostly popular classic rock. Baseball players usually do not enter to Kelly Clarkson, Beyonce, Shakiera, or whatever the hell most people listen to. I followed more of EDM's route, including popular songs that were still rock. Something batters could enter to. 'Rock' is mostly 90s-00s hard rock, and Coldplay's Talk. Hope you're happy Craig! Heavy Rock is a mix of glam/arena rock and metal. If you do not like the song selection there are two other mods available (from EDM and Dwillisster) that may suit you. EDM's file is default in MVP 07.

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