About This File
First off, I want to thank Dagger147, fizzjob, and krawhitham for letting me use their template overlays in my little program. Here are fizzjob's templates: http://mvpmods.com/Downloads/details/id=1566.html Here is Dagger147's template: http://mvpmods.com/Downloads/details/id=3029.html Here is krawhitham's template: http://mvpmods.com/Forums/viewtopic/t=22519/finish=15/start=255.html -------------------------------------------------------- ******************************************************** -------------------------------------------------------- I have also included previews in the PREVIEWS folder of this release!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -------------------------------------------------------- ******************************************************** -------------------------------------------------------- How to use: 1. Open run.exe 2. Follow the directions in run exe. 3. You now have your .fsh or 00000000.256 file! 4. You can now pack the .fsh file into the correct .big file with kraw's Installer Thingy! -------------------------------------------------------- Just in case you didn't read the directions in the run.exe program... 1. Initial Splash Screen (00000000.256) should get copied into your MVP Baseball 2005 folder. 2. CTS Screen (58bd.fsh) should be imported into your bkgnds.big. 3. Loading Screen (splash.fsh) should be imported to splash.big. 4. License Screen (license.fsh) should be imported to sushared.big. (Try using Krawhitham's Install Everything to important files into .big files:) Found here: http://eamods.com/index.php?name=Downloads&file=details&id=40 -------------------------------------------------------- ~ compmaniac