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About This File

v.1.2 : Yankee Stadium - Removed dirt from coaches' boxes and on deck circles Jacobs Field - Touched up patterns for day and night versions Dodger Stadium - Fixed missing texture in day version v.1.1 : Fixed issue with dirt in AT&T Park Various color adjustments made to the following stadiums: Yankee Stadium (day & nite) U.S. Cellular Field (day & nite) McAfee Col./Cisco Field (day only) Petco Park (day & nite) This mod will update the field graphics for all 30 MLB stadiums in the game. Both the infield dirt and grass have been changed for all stadiums and certain ones have a recolored warning track and on deck circles etc. All modifications that were made should closely resemble the correct colors for that particular stadium. The most important thing about this mod however, is that it is low-res meaning it shouldn't cause memory issues and that it is 90% shimmer free, a huge improvement over the original EA grass. The MVP 07 mod is required for this installation and can be downloaded at MVPMods.com or EAMods.com Before installing remember to backup your entire stadium folder in the MVP data folder. To install run the field_changer.exe and follow the instructions as prompted. All questions and comments should be directed to the Field Changer release thread on MVPMods.com Donations for the efforts put into this mod are very much appreciated and can be sent via Paypal (jtrea81@roadrunner.com) The modders for this project are as follows: Trues - modder for all NL parks The Big O - modder for all AL parks Compmaniac - complier and installer creator Special thanks to raindelay for his original Grass Changer mod (a great idea that has now been expanded upon to be even better), Pirate and hyman for the permission to use parts of their mods and to the beta testers at MVPMods.com. Thanks again guys! Enjoy!

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