About This File
Welcome to the Zmod stadium tutorial. This guide will cover some basic and advanced techniques to modify or create MVP2005 stadiums. A large portion of this guide was compiled by browsing the mvpmods forums. Special thanks to the following modders: Pirate, CC720, Sean 0, Hyman, MarlinsMY, the Big O and PaulW for sharing their knowledge. The first few pages list the required resources. You should download, install or just extract these before getting into the good stuff. So grab a cup a joe or some caffeine and lets begin this journey. Print this out, read it on the toilet, at work or at school. The video tutorial follows each of the chapters. I've outlined the steps in the chapters. Some other tutorials not included in video are in the reference section. You can pan the video hard right to mute the music. Download and install the tools below before proceeding to videos.