About This File
This mod contains four combo datafiles in four folders: - Default - Walkup Music On - Foul Ball Replays On - Walkup Music and Foul Ball Replays On 1. Default datafile The Default datafile contains the following modifications: - Trues' batting camera #4 - Trues' change to remove batter walkup music - Pared's Behind the Pitcher camera #6 - Spitoon's walk fix (which reduces the size of the "sweet spot" in the pitching meter) - Trues' changes to remove foul ball replays - Spitoon's changes to move the outfielders back - abhall's HH low batting view camera #5 - Spitoon's changes to move the infielders in - SeralMike's Walk and Strikeout Fix 2. Walkup Music On datafile The Walkup Music On datafile is the same as the Default version above except that it turns on Batter Walkup Music 3. Foulball Replays On datafile The Foulball Replay On datafile is the same as the Default version above except that it turns on Foulball Replays 4. Walkup Music and Foulball Replays On datafile The Walkup Music and Foulball Replay On datafile is the same as the Default version above except that it turns on Batter Walkup Music and Foul Ball Replays Notes All of these datafiles contain SerialMike's Walk and Strikeout fix to provide the proper balance of walks and strikeouts. Mike recommends setting the User Pitch Meter Difficulty Slider to 0. If you find the pitching too easy, you can make the slider more negative. If you find the pitching too dificult, you can make the slider more positive. Installation: To install, select your desired the datafile and extract it to your MVP2005 Baseballdata folder. The specific changes are listed in the readme file