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Oldtime Overlay - Total Classics "Oldtime" Edition Overlay 5.0

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Total Classics - "Oldtime" Edition OverlayHello all,Oldtime Baseball is back! This is an alternate overlay for your Total Classics conversions based on an "Oldtime" theme. This overlay will be used in a future total conversion mod for the Negro Leagues and an All-Time Franchise Greats teamset. You get an exclusive pitch count box that shows at the bottom corner of the screen. Each batter comes up with a torn "Newspaper" overlay. The portrait frame has been enlarged so you get a better view of the player's 'card'. The Cooperstown overlay was reworked back into the Total Classics overlay to bring back that Oldtime feel from the past. You also get a Green classic scoreboard in the box score area. Used with the MVP Overlay swapper, you can use this anytime you want to recreate a Classics Replay. This overlay comes in two flavors - with or without Trues' stat infobar. I personally prefer it without the infobar because I watch it in spectator mode but you might like the infobar if you like to play the game. Either way, this overlay is a great choice for the Classics fans. See the picture for a preview.The preview makes the overlay look a lot busier than it really is. You typically won't have all those items on the screen at once. I wanted to show as many features as possible.Changes in version 1.5:Added a new and different classic green scoreboard for when there are no runners on base. I found a graphic on ESPN that I had to work in there. The change can be seen in the preview. Not a big change but should add to your enjoyment of the overlay and offers something different. Hope you guys like it.Changes in version 2.0:Moved the floating scoreboard to right hand side of the screen for right handed batters so that it is out of the way when in batter view. Change made per user request.Changes in version 2.1:One of these days I'll quit messing with this thing but for now, it's still a work in progress. Changed info bar slightly. New version now shows speed of batter as well. Colorized header in speed graphic to sepia tone and separated from info bar. This matches the latest version of Trues' info bar. No change to the no infobar file. Modification made per request. Changes in version 2.2:This was a fix more than anything else. Added blue/yellow 'blip' back to PIP when runners are on base. IGSCR.fsh was updated. Pointed out by danc. New in version 3.0:If the stamina bar wasn't enough, I've now added a pitch count indicator (a mod of Trues' pitch count box).

New in version 4.0
First major changes in over a year. Changed the "Baseball's Top Prospects" overlay to a "Baseball's Immortals" overlay. A nice feature to enable for your Hall of Famer's in your Total Classics replays. Just turn on the Top Prospects flag in MVPedit (thanks to emath for this tip). Commemorative of the Classic Card Set that came out in the early 1980's. Also reverted to the Cooperstown scoreboard overlay when there are runners on base. After having tried other scoreboards, I've found the color scheme of the Cooperstown version just seems to look best. Screenshots of the new features are displayed.

New in version 4.1
An automated installer created by Jim825 is now included with the mod. You now have two options for installing the overlays, either manually or with the installer. Complete instructions on how to run the installer (or install manually) are included.


New in version 5.0

Following a post on MVP mods regarding removing the pitching meter, I started to mess around with this overlay again. While I was removing the pitching meter, I remember a request by Homer to see if I could change the pitch speed indicator to an oldtime -themed Chrome indicator ala the "Time Machine".  At the time Trues said it couldn't be done, not sure why.  I played with it again and although it's not perfect, I think it will work.  Also, I'd been playing with the idea of putting in a tube TV outline overlay so simulate the feel of watching a game back in the day.  Stecropper gave me the thumbs up so here it is.  This screenshot shows the changes made.  Pick the file called otboverlaytv.7z ....Enjoy.

This overlay is an extension of work previously done by Team Classics. Special thanks to Trues for permission to use his player infobar. Install either with Kraw's TIT or manually copy the files into the datafrontend folder. The igscr.fsh file should be copied into datafrontendigshapes .Feel free to PM me with any comments or questions.



What's New in Version 5.0   See changelog


  • Added chrome pitch speed indicator. Removed pitch meter. Added Tube TV outline overlay.

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