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Yankee Stadium V1

   (2 reviews)

1 Screenshot

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Here's V 1.0 of my new Yankee Stadium mod.

Here's a list of mods (I may have forgotten a couple minor ones):

-Replaced most scoreboard and banner ads (Budweiser ad thanks to rolie)

-Armitron clock on top of LF scoreboard

-CF restaurant batter's eye darkened and "flattened" (the bump maps were too curvy)

-Dugout back wall replaced with blue padding, rest of dugout color fixed

-Yellow water coolers replaced with blue texture with Yankee logo

-All padded outfield fencing replaced with dark blue, "408" in CF changed from white to black (for batter's eye)

-Light blue facing around all decks replaced with gray walls

-Frieze modified where possible to be lighter color, circular frieze holes changed to rectangular

-Retired numbers replaced (thanks to MarlinsMY)

-NY logo behind homeplate replaced (thanks to MarlinsMY)

-Miscellaneous textures lightened or darkened where it seemed appropriate

Temporary placeholder textures for possible future improvement:

-replaced "auxiliary video boards" with "Welcome to Yankee Stadium"

-Hard Rock Cafe logo on LF scoreboard

Basically I thought those last two looked ok so I kept it that way. Until more ads are finalized at the stadium, I've gotten most of the ads already (Utz, Nathans, Delta, Casio, etc) Beyond the modifications I've made, I'm not sure a whole lot more will be possible. There are many textures that are reused all over the place, so modifiying a texture to look good in one place messes up another. All in all, I think it looks good, and it definitely looks much better than out of the box.

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