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About This File

U.S. Cellular Field for MLB 2K9 V1 4.11.2009

v 1

Replaced- Retired Numbers in Outfield, Homeplate and Outfield ads from Opening Week 2009,tarp

Recolored- Darkened the overly bright walls, Reshaded pressbox sign, foliage, railing, netting, banners, concrete seat base

Retextured/Edited- Brick, Flags, Dugouts, Outfield, Ad Rotator, Walls, Padding, On Deck, Misc props, Swapped seat texture, Dimension markers, Fixed error in 1900 banner, flower pots


Copy stadium_chw.iff to your C:\Program Files\2K Sports\MLB 2K9 folder. Run the game and enjoy the upgrade.

Huge Thanks to nusileidimas! and Showfom!

Feel free to use whatever you want

What's New in Version 04/12/09 05:31 PM   See changelog


No changelog available for this version.

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