About This File
Yankee Stadium v3 for the XBOX MVP Baseball 2005 - Kado456
This is a modified version of the Day & Night Yankee Stadiums for MVP Baseball 2005.
Some Pics are from "The Super's" Yankee Stadium Mods for MVP baseball 2004, the
rest are pics I grabbed on the net. This is not an exact replica of the old stadium ads but
just a spice up for those still playing on the Xbox. Shout outs to Hollywood165561,
bryan_hayeszo, The Super and the rest of the rest of the XBOX & PC modders and users; you dudes keep
the game fresh. Special Shout outs to MVPMODS.com and EAMODS.com for keeping this game alive.
Extract files and place in the stadium folder, you need a modified Xbox to Use.