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04-10-2010 Roster AND Portrait update.zip

   (2 reviews)

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About This File

These files will set the MLB rosters to official current rosters of 4/30/2010, and also change all of the portraits that MVP Modders have uploaded to date.

For example, rookie Austin Jackson's portrait will appear in all of its awesome glory when you play with the Tigers, and Curtis Granderson...[sob]...will be wearing...[shudder] a Yankee hat (Oh the wrongness!)


(image from Samara Pearlstein's blog, "Roar of the Tigers." If you like my mods, please give her some link love).

By the way, it's 50 megs, so...yeah.

I will try to continue to update the portrait file with the rosters as the year progresses, but the pain-in-the-butt-itude of doing so may prevent me.


Step 2: Portrait.iff and portrait.cdf go in your MLB 2K10 folder, most likely C:\Program Files\2K Sports\MLB 2K10

Step 3: Roster.ROS goes in your saves folder under Application Data. For Windows XP:

C:\Documents and Settings\[YOUR USER NAME]\Application Data\2K Sports\Major League Baseball 2K10\Saves

FYI, the unused spaces I used to put in rookies and returnerswere as follows:

5 = Jeff Clement

9 = Allen Craig

12 = Ian Desmond

22 = Brian Duensing

30 = Jim Edmonds

33 = Jamie Garcia

39 = Craig Gentry

48 = Luke Gregerson

50 = Mark Grudzielanek

65 = Austin Jackson

81 = Kensihin Kawakami

90 = Brad Kilby

104 = Mike Lamb

115 = Rodrigo Lopez

119 = Colby Lewis

123 = Joe Mather

134 = John Raynor

139 = Ben Sheets

147 = Scott Sizemore

162 = Greg Smith

164 = Craig Stammen

172 = Steven Strasburg

176 = Mitch Talbot

179 = Jake Westbrook

181 = Jordan Zimmerman

192 = Brennan Boesch

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When you say you've added those players into unused spaces, do you mean unused portrait id#?

When I look at the MVP master portrait id# list, I don't see unused entries for #5,9, 12 and so on.

Also, Jeff Clement, which you have as #5 above, already has a portrait id# (7084).

I'm probably not understanding something...could you clarify what those numbers mean?

Great idea for a mod.

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The entries you speak of do have images in them, but those are placeholders (you'll note they appear later). See http://www.mvpmods.com/index.php?showtopic=45198 for an explanation.

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So I backed up my files. added the new files. And now the game crashes when I try to simulate franchise to the start of the regular season.

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first off this is awesome!

secondly though it always crashes to desktop when I'm done playing a game in franchise. it doesn't matter if i load a previously created one or create a new one. It crashes after playing the first game and then the franchise file is corrupt and will not let you open it ever again as it will just crash to desktop. anyone have a fix or idea on what's causing this?

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hey man, i need aroldis chapman on my game, could yo do some for this, thank you very much.i´from cuba

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