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2K10 to MVP Rosters Plus

   (7 reviews)

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About This File

I used MLB 2K10 ratings to update grmrpr1313's roster. I have all of the MLB correctly done and the MiLB has accurate star potential and the top 100 prospects are updated for 2010. Various others things have been edited since my last release. Not to be full of myself, but I think these rosters are awesome. They give new life to the game because everything is slightly different.


-Updated rosters as of 8/14/2010

-Updated attributes according to MLB 2K10

-Uses the latest Homer cyberfaces (Strasburg, Smoak, Chapman, Stanton, etc.) and player IDs found here

-All-Star teams updated

-Rookie and Sophomore teams (see screenshot)

-All stats updated with Lahman database

Let me know of any cyberface issues, wrong player numbers, or any other issues, as I encountered a few when looking through the roster.

A big thanks to:

-grmrpr1313: I used his rosters as a template

-kg: I'm sure grmrpr1313 used your roster as a template for his

-Homer: your cyberfaces are second to none.

-cammel: he fixed countless player ID issues

Please use these as a template for future roster updates.

Obviously this mod is completely free, but it does cost money to buy things like tywiggins' MLB2K10 Roster Editor and it takes a good chunk of time, so donations are always welcome.

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What's New in Version 08/14/10 06:23 PM   See changelog


No changelog available for this version.

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thanx a lot man.. i think its the best roster after the 7.31.. only one question why does michael young and josh hamilton appear in the free agents list in the game?

i tried to look them up in the mvpedit free agents list to delete them but i cant find them.. is there anyway i can delete them

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thanks willybling

yeah i encountered that problem and i have no idea how to fix it. i'll see what i can do about it for the next release.

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i narrowed the problem down to the all star version of young and hamilton because they are gone from the free agent list when i delete them from the al all stars. do you know how to add them back once deleted?

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i don't know whats the problem.. i did the same thing u did! i deleted the young, hamilton and hawpe from the all star and i tried to create them back but the same thing happen

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How do you install this file?

I did what you said about overwriting the database file but I still do not have the correct rosters

I have windows vista if that matters

Any help would be greatly appreciated



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same question here ... i did what you said in the instruction and when i check the roster ingame everything is good, but when i try to start a game it crush back to the desktop.

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hey guys, are you extracting the datafile folder in the program files>ea sports>mvp baseball>data folder? you should completely replace it. you shouldn't do anything with the mbe file.

also, i use mvp 08's default sliders and trues datafile to make the pitch meter larger.

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exibition games work but when i try to play the 1st game of the season in dynasty mode after the stadium fly when it should zoom to the 1st AB the game crushed.

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dude...I tried this I pressed download file...then it said please wait a moment and read a disclaimer and then click download file again...WHERE IS THE BUTTON? there is no button!

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Anyone else getting an issue with d/l this.

It tells me to read this disclaimer and then press download now...except

there is no disclaimer or download button.

anyone figure out how to actually dl this thing

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I'm getting the same error.

Anyone else getting an issue with d/l this.

It tells me to read this disclaimer and then press download now...except

there is no disclaimer or download button.

anyone figure out how to actually dl this thing

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Ok i was just able to d/l it.

When you click on the link for the roster,

scroll down:

after the description is says:

"saved versions"

Under the word 'operations' is a download link.

I dont think this there before, but maybe

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Sorry,guys,I have a problem downloading the file.

After I click the "Download File", it turns to a new page.

Andthere is a line reads

"You are about to download the file '2K10 to MVP Rosters'.

Please take a moment to review the following disclaimer.

Afterwards click the 'Download File' button to download the file.",

but I can't find the disclaimer and the 'Download File'.

Would you guys help me,please?

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I've had problems with the minor league rosters, specifically with lineups that don't have a DH. The rosters look normal, but when I play a game without a DH in the lineup (NL style) it crashes back to the desktop. When I CPU optimize the rosters however, no more crashing. Can you look into it?

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When i click download file, it sends me to another page and doesnt give me the option to actually download the file, anyway of resolving this issue?

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i click to download and nothing happens. just shows a "you are about to download, please read disclaimer" page that has no disclaimer. What's up?

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