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All the changes here are subtle but I think they make in a big difference in the gameplay feel.

*3.26.11- Fixed a few glitches that happened when importing the buttons*

1. All landing markers changed to 50% opacity. No more solid white circles covering half the outfield.

Here is a screenshot. Top row is the original, Bottom row is the changes.


Version 3 - white circles 10% opacity and small landing circle (most difficult)


2. B3 and B5 button icons changed to Left bumper and X button.

3. Took off the ball while pitching. unfortunately still cant find the arrows though.

*also have a version with the ball*


1. As always, back up everything

2. I would recommend downloading and using Jonesoft's Mod Enabler. Otherwise extract the gamedata.iff to your MLB 2k11 folder

3. Click yes to copy and replace

Please let me know if there are any problems with this file.



What's New in Version 03/28/11 06:36 AM   See changelog


No changelog available for this version.

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