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This roster now has ALL of the fake names changed to the correct players names plus a few major prospects here and there added in like Bryce Harper, Brett Lawrie, Mike Trout. Since i am an avid Braves fan it also has a complete Gwinnette Braves roster as well as updated batting stances and such for current Atlanta Braves players. I also edited all of the fake names using the MLB 2k11 roster editor by Ty Wiggins so there should be plenty of more players you can edit names for yourself in-game before running into a max player edit problem. Let me know what you guys think and if I missed anything major or have any productive feedback at all. Go Braves! P.S. Just realized I forgot 2 Players on active rosters so I fixed it.... NoFakeNames1 has Brandon Belt on SF and Tsuyoshi Nishioka of Min on it*****NoFakeNames2 Update has recent moves through 4/1/11 along with a few minor tweaks such as fixing Tommie James to Michael Pineda of Sea and a few more prospects added.****NoFakeNames3 Update added Pedro Beato and Brad Emaus to the Mets.*****NoFakeNames4 Update has Jason Nix trade to Tor, Luis Ayala and Bartolo Colon on the Yankees along with a few more prospects added.**********NoFakeNames5 Update has ALL of the players that had fake names now changed to the correct name!!!!! There are literally now hundreds of real players throughout the minors and FA on this roster.******NoFakeNames6 Update now has all 50+ of Baseball America's Top 50 Prospects throughout the minors with correct b-days, ht. wt.,ratings, and even batting stances and pitch motions(for the ones I could find). I also tried to match the cyberface to the prospects actual likeness. *******NoFakeNames7 Update has transactions up to date as of 4/9/11 With any injured players being moved to AAA and replacements called up. I also added Manny to the FA list and dropped all of his ratings so no teams would try to pick him up. Along with that I have changed the portrait numbers on Pete Orr, Bartolo Colon, and Luis Ayayla to give them an actual player photo (just like in the most recent official 2K roster). *****NoFakeNames8 Update has roster moves as of 4/10/11 I also added rookie Hector Gimenez to the Dodgers AAA(since he is currently on the 15 day DL) and wasn't on the game yet.*******NoFakeNames9 Update has roster moves accurate as of 4/11/11 and I added SD rookie CF Cedric Hunter to the Padres AAA along with former Cubs pitcher Mark Prior to the AAA Yankees. Like always let me know if you see anything I missed and thanks for all the downloads and help!

Also a few tips for franchise mode with these rosters:

1.Watch out for High rated prospects like Bryce Harper and Mike Trout mostly moving up into the majors too fast. I play my franchise with the "make changes to the computer team" option on so if I notice any have moved up(usually after spring training) i send them back down.

2.No matter how hard I have tried to edit injuries they all seem to heal after spring training of a franchise so for players like Strasburg and Wainwright who are out for the season you can send them back down to AAA after spring training and then check periodically to see they don't get called up as well; or you can use Ty Wiggins' Roster Editor and make them injured once you have started playing the regular season. I have done this to my own personal franchise and have run into no crashes editing injuries as of late.

3. If you do use the roster editor in franchise mode to add in injuries I STRONGLY suggest moving them to AAA first then make them injured. If you leave them in the starting line-up or current rotation and make them injured; the game will crash when trying to sim a game they would be playing in. If you notice this happens just remove them from the DL in the roster editor and send them to AAA before adding them back on the DL.(I do believe Ty Wiggins fixed this issue in his latest roster editor release)

4.The AI ALWAYS re-adjusts the batting orders and rotations after spring training is over and the regular season begins. So...If you are wanting to have each teams correct line-ups and rotations after spring training you'll need to set your franchise up so you have user control of all 30 teams. Then change each teams settings to CPU auto-manage except the one you will be playing with. Once spring training is over and you have began the regular season you can now correct each teams line-up and it will stay that way until injuries or fatigue forces the computer AI to make changes.

What's New in Version 04/12/11 06:44 AM   See changelog


No changelog available for this version.

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