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Chicago White Sox set 1 UPDATED June15th

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First before u download and install anything, make sure u make a copy of the original files and put them in another folder.

I would like to suggest that u download a program called the generic mod enabler.U can get it from the following site...


This is a good way to keep ur original files in place and put the modded unis in a folder called MODS.U can make several subfolder

in here of the different modded uniforms from myself or anyone else that makes unis.Then run the enabler and enabler which

mods u wanna use at the moment.Then start the game up and u will be able to access the mods.If u want to go back to the originals just turn off the enabler.

If u dont want to use the enabler then u have to unzip the files and add them to the main 2k folder.And the files will replace the originals,so this is when

u will want to have a copy of the original somewhere else,in case u need to put the originals back in game.

This years unis are a lil harder because 2k made some changes.The names on the back are harder to do so most unis i do will either be from the original uni file or

the no names on the back.So Most unis i do will not be 100% correct.Also because of how 2k runs things some unis will have the wrong

undershirts,or some are supposed to have numbers on the fron but wont,this is something beyond my control

U may notice that the unis during daylight games may have a weird look.From what im told this is because of how 2k did their daylight shading.

so theres not much i can do about it unless someone figures a way to by pass this.

This will be the first set of WhiteSox unis.The WSox has had more uni changes than any other team.The hardest ones to

do are the 1969 because several photos have them in light blue with a light blue trimming while others show a darker blue trimming

I was nt sure which is actually correct but i chose the lighter blue.The following files are from the

1917 world series home,1926 away,1932,1939,1969 and 1971 home uni.


UPDATED June15th fixed the shadow problems with modded jerseys also changed batting helmet logos on all the helmets to match the uni

What's New in Version 06/16/11 03:40 AM   See changelog


No changelog available for this version.

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