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Bacharach Giants,Birmingham Black Barons,Indianhead Rocket,Jacksonville Redcaps,St Paul GophersUPDATED June 18th

   (2 reviews)

About This File

My advice is to download the generic mod enabler.This way u do not have to replace any files.Make a negro league folder

inside the mod enabler then when u start the enabler then just enabel that folder and the unis will show in game.Turn off

the enabler when u want to revert back to the originals or choose another modded folder

u can get the enabler here http://www.users.on....ucts-jsgme.html

If u dont want to use the enabler then u have to unzip the files and add them to the main 2k folder.And the files will replace the originals,so this is when

u will want to have a copy of the original somewhere else,in case u need to put the originals back in game.

U may notice that the unis during daylight games may have a weird look.From what im told this is because of how 2k did their daylight shading.

so theres not much i can do about it unless someone figures a way to by pass this.

With the negro league unis i am very limited on what the unis actually look like esprcially the pants.The tops are not too hard

but to actually find pics of the whole unis are very hard to come by at least in color.So most will not be 100% accurate but

should be very close

the following files are from the Atlantic City Bacharach Giants,Birmingham Black Barons,Indianhead Rocket(Canadian Negro League) and the

Jacksonville Red Caps.

Did My best with the Indianhead Rocket,not the best pics to be found anywhere and not any closeups of the left side jersey logo


UPDATED June 18th fixed the shadow problems in day game jerseys also changed batting helmet logos on all teams

What's New in Version 06/18/11 08:37 PM   See changelog


No changelog available for this version.

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