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4 Screenshots

About This File

=DS= Thanks you for downloading!


The MLB Experience 2K12! This is my first major overlay project which completely overhauls all of the original 2K presentation textures. This is meant to replicate a true to life MLB.Tv/MLB.com presentation and atmosphere. This will surely make you feel like you're watching a game directly on mlb.tv! As well, this turns the game into a truly liscensed MLB product.

What's included:

  • New in game overlay's and presentation wipes
  • New icons, loading screens, and game mode logos

Enjoy, and feedback is always wanted!



Place the .iff file in you MLB 2k12 directory overwritting the originals. In case you don't like the cyberface be sure to backup your originals!

Screenshots are included in the archive.

If you like these mods, please consider supporting the MVP Mods website!!!




User Feedback

Recommended Comments



This is fantastic work! Thanks so much for doing this mod...It definitely makes the game feel and look like a real broadcast.



Hello Detroitstyle can you do the real yes network overlay without the long bars and put the scoreboard in the corner



Please make ESPNHD or NESNHD please




Hey D.S. -- Before you YES and SNY and ESPNHD and CBC and NatGeo or whatever else these non-Michiganders are asking for, give it up for the 3-1-3. Or, you know, the 2-4-8 if that's your thing.

You know what I mean: FSD.

If you can actually program Rod & Mario into it you would join my pantheon of ultimate heroes, and Samara will make a terrible cartoon just for you. If instead it's the 1987 intro (Da-Dah, Da-nah, dah-na dit-dah-dah) and George Kell and Al Kaline, you win the internet.



There is an error when it shows action replays where the 2k12 logo is still semi visible underneath the MLB one.



There is an error when it shows action replays where the 2k12 logo is still semi visible underneath the MLB one.

Nothing I can do about that. It's coded in and there's noway I change as far as I know. Also, at the end of replays a 2K logo wipes across the screen which is coded in as well and don't know how to change it.

Everyone else, I probably will NOT be making more overlays. I'm going to stick with cyberfaces for now and if I get more time I might do another overlay...

@Mispogon, editing audio is not possible.



Outstanding work, thanks for all of your efforts.



OMG, DetroitStyle...

This is amazing. I just tried out your overlay with the new Marlins stadium mod and the Oriole's classic logo mod.

It looks and feels like a real MLB game, dude. This game has more than tripled it's value with your efforts and the other mod gurus in here.

As for the so called "error"...call me crazy but I like it. It looks like a real MLB.TV broadcast sponsored by 2K sports. I like it because it works. The two images transcend back and forth over each other on my system. I like it.

The cyberface is awesome. I'm not changing a thing...unless you make a version 2.0 overlay, that is.

I just wanted to recognize your efforts in giving me and many others what we REALLY wanted in a true baseball sim. Keep up the good work! I'm a Pirates fan but I'm pulling for your Tigers just for this!!!

Thanks again.




For some reason this freezes my game. I can't get past the player profile/team select screen.



program with which you do this? help please

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