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5 Screenshots

About This File

There are 2 folders One for those that have Tys roster editor and one for those

that dont.There are 3 methods to installing.

Tys Editor Instructions

U can install these into the main mlb 2k12 folder and they will not overwrite any file.

Open Tys editor and import the info from the text file included.These unis will have

the correct color codes

Normal Install instructions

WARNING BACK UP ORIGINAL FILES as these will overwrite the originals.Unzip into

the main mlb2k12 folder.Start game these will NOT have the correct color codes because

of the way 2k does their files

Generic Mod Enabler(use the files in the normal install)

This is the best way for those who dont have tys editor and dont want to over write the originals.

Download from http://www.users.on.net/~jscones/software/products-jsgme.html

and follow thier directions.Once installed there should be a folder called *MODS*

Inside this folder u can create another folder.For example if u just want national league

modded unis name a folder NATIONAL LEAGUE and place my unzipped uni files

inside this folder.Start the enabler and choose the folder that has the mods

then start the game and the unis should be available.If u want to revert back to the originals

then just shut down the enabler again these will not have the correct color codes

The Reds began the 1900 season as the oldest tradition in professional baseball

history,dating back to 1896.Thier uniforms were a continuation of the 1800's,white

at home and dark musty blue on the road.Caps were standard close fitting round style

with a short bill.Red piping was used on the seams leading up to the red top button

and around the base of the crown.A red "C" was also added to the front of the cap

around 1900.

By 1911 tean nicknames were now being accepted as official by many teams

and team names and logos were appearing on most uniforms.The very first version

of the now famous reds team logo made its appearance in 1911.By the end of the decade the logo

was established as standard and remained basicly unaltered the entire decade of the 20's.

About the only thing that changed in features were the use of pinstriped fabrics

collar shapes and trims.The teams first championship in 1919(even with the black sox scandal)

must have convinced team ownership that they had a winning design.

By 1930 the Reds like many teams were breaking out of repetitive plain unis,

and by 1936 they started adding blue in thier color schemes and would remain for the

next 20 years.

In 1935 the Reds introduced "night"baseball and the following year they made

a change in unis thats referred to as the "Palm Beach"uniforms.All piping trim

was removed and the "C""reds" emblems was replaced by a "reds"script lettering

on the left breast.They wore this uni only occasionaly in 1936 and 1937 and even

n some night games they wore solid red trousers.

The anti communist hysteria contributed what is in retrospect the most embarrasing

moment for the Cincinnati ballclub,after 80 years as being identified as the reds,

or red stockings(a fact which had no political or international overtones and was

as American as hot dogs and cracker jacks)a comprimising corruption of the team nickname

they were to be called the "REDLEGS" and the team took the most drastic change in

uniforms in 1956 for the first tim ein 20 years.Blue was abandoned as red became

the sole color and the name reds were no longer displayed on the home unis after 45 years.

They also went with a sleevless vest.In 1961 a touch of navy reappeared to signify

the end of the "Redlegs"era.

the files included are for the 1869,1911,1936,1972 and 1999 unis.The files are the alt1,bph,cl1,cl2 and home iff's

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