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About This File

There are 2 folders One for those that have Tys roster editor and one for those

that dont.There are 3 methods to installing.

Tys Editor Instructions

U can install these into the main mlb 2k12 folder and they will not overwrite any file.

Open Tys editor and import the info from the text file included.These unis will have

the correct color codes.Start tys editor open the roster that u want to install the unis to.

Click on the uni tab then click on import.When the window open sup find wherever u have the text

file located at ,clikc the text file and open this will install the unis into game with

the colors

Normal Install instructions

WARNING BACK UP ORIGINAL FILES as these will overwrite the originals.Unzip into

the main mlb2k12 folder.Start game these will NOT have the correct color codes because

of the way 2k does their files

Generic Mod Enabler(use the files in the normal install)

This is the best way for those who dont have tys editor and dont want to over write the originals.

Download from http://www.users.on.net/~jscones/software/products-jsgme.html

and follow thier directions.Once installed there should be a folder called *MODS*

Inside this folder u can create another folder.For example if u just want national league

modded unis name a folder NATIONAL LEAGUE and place my unzipped uni files

inside this folder.Start the enabler and choose the folder that has the mods

then start the game and the unis should be available.If u want to revert back to the originals

then just shut down the enabler again these will not have the correct color codes

After 2 years of dissapointing attendance in Baltimore and the defection of John McGraw

to the national league the time was right to transfer the Orioles team to NY.

On April 8 1903 the NY Americansor Highlanders played thier first game at

Hilltop Park.Again they wore normal unis for this time of the era.White and Black

were the trim colors.White cap with black stripes down the seams,black stockings

and large black shirt collar.A large black N and Y on the right and left breast.The road

jersey was the reverse image.For 1904 the same design stayed but the color changed

from black to dark blue.For 1905 the NY was merged changed to a monogram on the left breast.

In 1909 new uniforms incorporated new features,red stripes on navy blue socks and

the now legendary Yankee monogram made its first appearance on the cap and

left sleeve.By this time the new nickname "Yankees" was now used as often as the "Highlanders"

and was only a few years away from become the official name.In 1911 another

significant feature appeared on the road uni as the city name appeared on the greys.

1912 was the last year to be played at Hilltop Park(which was the inspiration for the name"Highlanders"

By this time though the name yankees was was more or less the official name

and other feature was introduced ,yes u got "PINSTRIPES".A myth that had been the Yankees wer

the first to use pinstripes but is untru as a few teams had allready used them in MLB.

Another myth was owner Col Jacob Ruppert selected pinstripes to offset the huge

appearance of George Herman Ruth but when the first yankee wore pinstripes"the Babe"

was still in an orphanage and Babe didnt wear a Yankee uniform until 1920.1923 marked the

opening of Yankee stadium and nicknamed "the house that Ruth built".In 1927 the team was

considered to be the mightiest of all time.The road had capital"NEW YORK" with "YANKEES" as

the home uni.This uni lasted until 1930.But a year earlier the Yankees established a precedent

by being the first team to put numbers on the back of thier uniforms.This caught on

fast and became a standard for all teams by 1932.For all the years that Babe Ruth

played for the Yankees he never wore the uniform that u see today.The uniform u see now

became the permanent style in 1936,the year after Babe left the Yankees.

The year that things almost changed.

From 1936 to the current 2012 uniform the Yankees have never changed thier

uniform(not counting patches that were worn for special occasions)

BUUUUUT in 1974 that almost changed.Most fans are not aware that the

Yankees almost changed tradition of road greys in 1974.Former PR director

Marty Appel wrote a book in 2001 called"Now pitching for the Yankees"

and this is a following passage from that book

"In 1974 I walked into [then-general manager] Gabe Paul's office to find samples

of new Yankee road uniforms draped across his sofa. They were the opposite of

the home pinstripes -- they were navy blue with white pinstripes. The NY logo

was in white. Gabe liked them. I nearly fainted. ... I think my dramatic disdain

helped save the day and saved the Yankees from wearing those awful pajamas

on the field."

In an interview Marty was asked what he had said to Gabe Paul

and Marty replyed: I said something like, "Oh my God, you're not seriously

considering this, are you? This would be a disaster!" Because, you know, the gray

"New York" jersey is iconic in its own right.

so NY fans were saved from this disaster and everyone was saved from having severe eye strain

the following files represent the 1905 and 1910 Highlanders and the 1974 unused Yankees.The files are the home away and cl1 iff's

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