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MLB 2K12 speedy GAMEPLAY MOD - Beta v0.01

For TESTING purposes. I would appreciate if you could try the "mod" and write here your impressions about positives and negatives.

Only 3 teams working correct for now: Angels, Astros, Athletics.

So play "Quick game" only with those teams (CPU team must be one of those too)

GAMEPLAY CHANGES (or at least it is expected in the next releases):

- BATTING - Ball travels differently over the field now (new trajectories with different speed, warning track hits, wall hits, line drives over 1st/3rd basemen).

- HOMERUNS - changed the method how HR;s are decided in the game

- SPEED - real baserunners speed (around 4 sec from home to first)



Advise for gameplay cameras:

BATTER 3, Zoom 10, Height 5, zoom off (must see a ball close up)

FIELDING - HIGH, Zoom 5, height 1 (looks like the game is too fast for other cameras)

BASE RUNNING - Homeplate, zoom 1, H-1

Pitching - optional, mine pitcher 3, Zoom 1, Position 5, Height 5


Included sliders are not fully tweaked yet, just feel the basic new rhythm of the game.

During the play you may change sliders to your liking, especially batting contact for User if you have no patience to wait for a real ball.



Download, extract files into MLB 2k12 default save directory unders

For WinXP users: C:\Documents and Settings\UserName\Application Data\2K Sports\Major League Baseball 2K12\Saves

For Vista and Windows 7 users: C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Roaming\2K Sports\Major League Baseball 2K12\Saves

Be sure you have loaded "Modroster" and "Modsliders" when in the game.

Do not forget that only Angels, Astros, Athletics are playable yet.


Waiting for review. Thank you in advance

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