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28 teams of MLB updaded uniforms textures, logos and colors of undershirts and helmets - without batting practice uniforms

YOU MUST!! put Roster.Ros (BSU-FAN'S NoFakeNames Roster V.2 with my colors for teams -included in file ) to the folder with saves

Enjoy the Addon! :db:

THNx to BSU-FANS´S ROSTER and KC´s for base colorlist :good:


-Washington Nationals

-St.Louis Cardinals and New York Mets - better uniforms colors and logos

-colors changed in Roster file

-added color list 1.01


-Angels,Astros,Indians better uniforms colors(all) and helmets,caps logos(Indians and Astros)

How to import the colorlist:

1 - Load up your roster using Ty's Roster Editor for MLB 2K12

2 - Go to Uniforms, click Import and select the text file.

3 - Thats all..!! :)

What's New in Version 1.02   See changelog


No changelog available for this version.

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Miami can't be changed since the roster editor crashes when you try to modify and save the colors.



yes:)its true:/...I hope.. I can find another way



How do these differ from KC's pack released a few weeks ago?



maybe different shade..new logos..new teams edited:P....I want to share my creation..KC´s did a good job..as ever:)



ive left messages with ty about the problem with miami but have not heard from him in a couple months,the last i knew he was working and probally wouldnt have any time to work in the editor



maybe different shade..new logos..new teams edited:P....I want to share my creation..KC´s did a good job..as ever:)

Here's a list of teams you modified in your colorlist:

Arizona - Home/Away/Alt/Alt 1

Padres - Home/Away/Alt/Alt Camo

Giants - Home/Away/Alt/Alt Away

Milwaukee - Home/Away/Alt 1/Alt Home/Alt Road/BP

Pittsburgh - Home/Away/Alt/Alt Away

St. Louis - Home/Away

Atlanta - Home/Away/Alt/Alt1/Alt2

Washington - Home/Away/Alt/Alt 2

New York (NL) - Home/Away/Alt/Alt 2

Philadelphia - Home/Away/Alt

Oakland - Home/Away/Alt 1/Alt 2/Alt Road

Seattle - Home/Road/Alt/Alt 1

Texas - Home/Road/Alt/Alt 1

Chicago - Alt 1/Alt 2

Minnesota - Home/Away/Alt 1/ Alt 2/ Alt Away

Baltimore - Home/Road/Alt/Alt 1/Alt Away

New York (AL) - Home/Away/BP Home

Toronto - Home/Away/Alt/BP Home/BP Away

I don't want to come off as condescending but if you're going to deviate from my own color list (I know this because all of the color values I gave the minor league teams are there in your colorlist and there are many teams you did not change the values for that had my own color values listed), I'd like some credit, given that I worked hard to get the colors of every single team that exists in the game as accurate as possible.



I know it is mainly based on your colorlist,but just a little rearranged by me.not just about colors...I created my version only of ,,MLB,,...not enything else:)



I know it is mainly based on your colorlist,but just a little rearranged by me.not just about colors...I created my version only of ,,MLB,,...not enything else:)

Oh this I know. I am in no way trying to discourage you from doing whatever it is you want to do with this mod. I have no problem with this update other than the fact that you're using my own colorlist as a base with your changes for a few teams, and not crediting me at all for the teams you didn't change since those are my values in that file. It comes off as you passing the entire colorlist as your own, and that's unfair to me given the amount of time I've spent working on those colors for every team in the game.

I always thought the unwritten rule of modding for any of these games was that if you are going to add or use someone else's work in your mod it shouldn't be a problem if they're credited, otherwise the perception is that you did everything on your own. That's what I have a problem with.



i agree :)I know you spent a lot of time on this colorlist.I am only a man who is trying to make this game more beautiful nothin more



I don't want you to think I'm telling you to stop using my colorlist at all, I'm just saying, it would be nice to give credit where credit is due when you update this mod if you do ;)



It seems the Tigers' away numbers are still screwed up (this is true in the game too, but then the game chose royal blue as the navy).

The white goes outside the orange.




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