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About This File

This total conversion mod for MVP Baseball 2005 updates your game to the 2012 baseball season.

It includes 700+ uniforms, full single A through MLB rosters, new portraits, cyberfaces, audio, music and artwork.


*** Installation ***
- After you have downloaded the "MVP12.7z" file, double-click to open it.


- Extract the contents of the MVP12.7z file into a folder.


- Double-click the "explodeme.exe' file


- Select the folder that contains a CLEAN copy of MVP Baseball 2005 and click "Extract".  Note that a CLEAN copy is a fresh install or a patched, non-modded install of the game.


- Allow the program to extract all of the new content.  If the installer asks for your permission to overwrite files, select "Yes to All"


- When installation is complete, start the game and play the new MVP 12 mod!



*** CREDITS ***


This project was truly a team effort and would not have been possible without the effort of many talented past and present MVPMods members.  Thanks to all who contributed!  See the in-game credits for a list of everyone who had a hand in creating MVP12.


*** NOTES ***

A ) It is recommended that you install MVP12 over a clean install of MVP Baseball 2005 with at least up to Patch #2.

B ) To be able to access all of the uniforms, it will be necessary for you to install a Profile that unlocks all classic uniforms and stadiums.


C ) When playing in minor league stadiums listed as "Classic Stadiums," it is recommended to turn off the "Cooperstown Effect."



Initial release

What's New in Version 07/17/12 09:32 PM   See changelog


No changelog available for this version.

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