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24 Screenshots

About This File

This file replaces the ugly generic 2k cyberfaces with custom cyberfaces made by me.

Simply extract the file and put the player_head_92xx.iff files into your MLB 2k12 main directory and

overwrite the old ones.

I made some screenshots of a few faces. The first pack replaces the numbers 9200-9226, the second pack replaces the numbers 9227-9239, the third pack replaces the numbers 9240-9251 and the fourth pack replaces the numbers 9252-9279.

You won't have to change anything else. Simply overwrite the old faces with the new ones and they will appear in your game. Gone will be the retarded looking generic faces, upcoming will be the new generic cyberfaces.

If you find any errors (e.g. wrong head color for skin tone) please let me know it. I will correct that as soon as possible.

Have fun, I hope you like it.

What's New in Version V2   See changelog


  • ******
  • Unfortunately I made some mistakes and some head colors didn't match the skin tones.
  • If you have already downloaded the 4 packs please download the new correction pack and overwrite the old files.
  • ******
  • If you haven't downloaded my 4 packs already, download them and after overwriting the faces in the main folder, please download the correction pack and overwrite the respective faces also.
  • If you find any new mistakes please let me know it.

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Thx for these. I'm sure they're better than the default ones.

byron yatch


just dled, let me play a couple games in the bigs and I'll see if theres anything that needs touching up. Thanks for posting/creating these!



Thanks a lot. :) The easiest cyberfaces I have ever made - but perhaps the ones with the most positive effect! ;)

As I said before:

if you find anything wrong let me know it. Post it here, in the support thread or (perhaps best one) via private message. I will try to update as quick as I can.

Best would be to tell me which player has the wrong color and which roster you are using so I can look at the certain face ID in Ty's editor. I will state the changes in the change log so you won't have to download all 4 packages again but only the one package were the new face will be in!



These are much better than the 2K default!!! I love 'em! Only one thing I noticed, and it may not be something with your cyberfaces, maybe something else. When I use "NoFakeNames" roster, some of the players have black bodies and white heads, or vice versa. I wasn't really paying attention to who, or anything but I'm pretty sure it wouldn't be your doing. Great mod!!



Maybe it was my fault - so it would be nice if you could tell me which players are affected. A correction would not be a big problem for me and you only would have to download the faces again.

So if you see a player with a "wrong head" then please simply state HERE what roster you are using and which player is affected by the problem.



Hey wudl... just had a quick q did you change RA Dickey's face as well?

Isn't there a default one for him already included in 2k?



Thanks, you're doing great stuff.

Since you've done all the generic ones, do you know if there are faces which I can use for Allan Craig and Jordan Walden? Or is there a way I can preview them easily to choose by myself?

I don't wanna use scottybillys faces because they look awfull. Not just the textures, also the shadows. I tried them out and got very weird shadows in the faces of the players. ~.~



hello everything, i write a little not in a subject)) but i do not know where and how to learn,prompt as to learn to playa pitcher well, that is what strikes to do and start to win, i play on hetfield426's MLB 2K12 Sliders ("50" Theory), in attack I play normally, and here a pitcher it is impossible, help!!!!!!



Really appreciate your hard work. Many thanks



i went to make a new palyer, but am not seeing any differances in the faces fromt he 2k stock faces. can y tell mewhy? yes put all 80 faces including the fixed ones you did as courrections faces into the defualt folder.

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