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BaseUp! Rosters Patch for TC 13 MOD 2.0

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About This File

Huge thanks to curveball and dudeidontcare for major change contributions. Thanks also to laroquece and kyleb for important catches.

Thanks to kyleb also for catching the OKC/RR exchange need.

July 2013 Update

(Installation: Install all 19 .dat files in <database> subfolder)

  • Various jersey number corrections
  • Cyberface no. updates
  • Uniform (especially pants length) corrections
  • Junior Lake added / placed on MLB Cubs
  • Henry Urrutia added / place on MLB Orioles
  • Attribute change: Ben Revere's power significantly reduced
  • Moves previously missed corrected
  • Moves through July 25-26 made
  • Stone Crabs have at least min. amount of fielders
  • TEX and HOU AAA squads switched (OKC and RR)

What's New in Version 2.0   See changelog


  • Season ending injured and suspended players moved to FA pool.
  • Several players created at lower levels to help round out rosters.
  • Latest official cyberfaces assigned (as of 8.2.13)
  • Latest transactions (as of 8.2.13)

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Your welcome all. And don't forget to PM the guys I mentioned and thank them.

There should be a post trade deadline update. If I have time, I'll try to incorporate mainly batting attribute changes for major leaguers using the formula I've used all along.

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Atributos Batting son una combinación de año pasado frente a anteriores 5 años para los veteranos. I gusta la forma en ustedes chicos Se viene En la aquí una vez, agarra archivos de y la luego se quejan en lugar de preguntar la forma en funcionan las cosas. Miggy tiene una de las atributos de bateo más altas en el presente roster, pero eso no quiere decir él consigue 99's porque él era el ganador de la Triple Crown años pasado. No voy a darle los números de bateo tan bueno como los mejores jugadores de todos los tiempos.

(Batting Attributes are a combination of last year compared to previous five years for veterans. I like the way you guys come on here once, grab files and then ***** instead of asking how things work. Miggy has one of the highest batting attributes in this roster, but that does not mean he gets 99's because he was the winner of the Triple Crown last year. I'm not going to give him batting numbers as good as the best players of all time.)

VS. Righties (contact >80 & power > 90: Cabrera; Cano; Trout; Votto)

VS. Lefties (contact > 80 & power > 88: Braun, Butler, Cabrera, Craig, Holliday, Kemp, Lucroy, McCutchen, Posey, Viciedo)

abrahan....No puedo traducir el tuyo.

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Daflyboys, almost I do not understand at all your translation you might improve her? Nose if you deal mine but what I try to say to you it(he,she) is that there are things that you have to arrange I estimate your work especially the better(best) thing that you did is that the roster are perfect in sense of transactions to the date. But notice several things that the linep nup do not reconcile: a case is that of the yankees is not at all but this one done the first disaster that all the disabled players are aligned X example Jeter, Alex rod, granderson and texeira youkilis Ect. Not to continue naming and this equipment(team) is not alone because there are several. And attributes of I hit many X example the novice who has just raised Mlb henrry urrutia has 72 60 vs Lhp and 76 62 vs Rhp while manny machado has 55 65 vs Lhp and 60 60 vs Rhp it if that is some kind of crazy indeed.


Daflyboys, casi no entiendo nada tu traduccion podrias mejorarla? Nose si entiendas la mia pero lo que trato de decirte es que hay cosas que tienes que arreglar le yo aprecio tu trabajo sobre todo lo mejor que hiciste es que los roster estan perfectos en sentido de transacciones a la fecha. pero note varias cosas que no concuerdan los linep nup: un caso es el de los yankees no es nada pero esta hecho un desastre primero que todos los jugadores lesionados estan alineados X ejemplo Jeter, Alex rod, granderson y texeira youkilis Ect. Para no seguir nombrando y no es solo ese equipo porque hay varios. Y atributos de bateo muchos X ejemplo el novato que acaba de subir a Mlb henrry urrutia tiene 72 60 vs Lhp y 76 62 vs Rhp mientras manny machado tiene 55 65 vs Lhp y 60 60 vs Rhp eso si que es algo crazy de verdad

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I had a set where the injured player were out and guys pissed and moaned. Now we have a set with no injured players and there are complaints. Players are available in each organization to do what you want with them. Urrutia's numbers are high right now because in his limited action in the minor leagues he still had a .365 BA and .427 SLG%. With the consistent formula I use, that would translate to a 92 contact and 70 power attributes, but as you can see I reduce them because he is not a major leaguer. In time, his numbers will change, but I'm not going to penalize someone like him either and put him in something like the 40's.

Also, no batting attributes were done for statistics for this year as of yet. Do you guys think I'm going to check every player every week and update attributes? Machado LAST YEAR had less than a season of statistics for me to work with. His numbers are RELATIVELY lower than Urrutia because FOR NOW he deserves it. I have my methods. If you don't like the rosters you don't have to use them or you can change whatever you want.

And I'm done trying to translate in Spanish.

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And on it of miguel cabrera: I am not saying to you that you should make it perfect in bateo but if it(he,she) deserves his(her,your) merits since from 2008 it(he,she) comes having excellent statistical numbers and besides nowadays it is the BEST batedor of the whole Mlb and of his(her,your) generation. Another thing that I think that YOU must MODIFY they are the digests of the pitchers almost all villains are to put an alone example he is Max Scherzer who also has several seasons being one of better(best) especially this 2013 and I you remember that his(her,your) better throwing apart from the straight line is the change and you made the slider better besides it(he,she) has mas throwings as the curve and the straight line of two seams is not a critique for great evil less a claim if not that I think that you might perfect furthermore(moreover) only take it as anything constructive.


Y sobre lo de miguel cabrera: no te estoy diciendo que lo pongas perfecto en bateo pero si merece sus méritos ya que desde 2008 viene teniendo excelentes numeros estadisticos y ademas actualmente es el MEJOR batedor de todo Mlb y de su generacion. Otra cosa que pienso que debes MODIFICAR son los repertorios de los pitchers estan casi todos malos para poner un solo ejemplo es Max Scherzer que también tiene varias temporadas siendo uno de los mejores sobre todo esta 2013 y te recuerdo que su mejor lanzamiento aparte de la recta es el cambio y tu le pusiste mejor el slider ademas tiene mas lanzamientos como la curva y la recta de dos costuras no es una critica para mal mucho menos un reclamo si no que pienso que podrias perfeccionar aun mas solo tomalo como algo constructivo.

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deja la lloradera por el roster Abrahan...si no te gusta no lo bajes y realiza uno por tu cuenta, que ladilla con este tipo de gente que lo que hace es puro quejarse y no hacen nada

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Y tu que estas dolido a caso te gusta sangrar X los demás aah no me digas que eres el defensor del pueblo pues MamOm vacilatela y estas pendiente de lo tuyo y no de los demás

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Que te pasa a ti vale ahora tu sangras X los otros aah no me digas que eres el defensor del pueblo o algo que se le parezca si estas dolio ese es tu lio mas bien dedicate a lo tuyo y deja de estar pendiente de lo que hacen los demas vacilatela. yo no te he dicho a ti nada. Simplemente le estoy haciendo recomendaciones a daflyboys no es ninguna queja asi que no quieras mal interpretar nada que pareces una jeva

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I just simmed a season with no injuries/suspensions. Here was Cabrera's numbers in this ONE trial:


And he was in the top 30. Actually the simmed numbers are on the high side with guys hitting .300 and over. In this ONE trial 30 guys hit over .300. Cabrera was top 3 in HR's, top 4 in RBI's, led the league in walks (111), top 8 in SLG%. In the majors last year, 22 guys hit over .300. Cabrera had 44 HR's and 139 RBI's.

That is all.

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What am I doing wrong here? If I use TiT to install this, when it is complete it brings me to some 404 page, when i go into the game it has the previous rosters I installed. If I try to install the files manually into c - program files (x64) - EA Sports - MVP Baseball 2005 - Data - Database then it just loads the previous rosters I downloaded. Also, there are no roster files in the database file at all, so I don't even know where the game is loading them from. Is there another folder hidden somewhere that I don't know about?

Edit - The roster it is loading is your last roster, the baseup phase 2. Idk if that makes a difference or anything. That roster is also loaded if i hit reset roster, but I think that's kind of the point lol. As of right now I'm playing with an edited version of that roster where i created a **** version of urrutia and fucked up a bunch of stuff with trades and calling up the wrong people opposed to real life and what not. Any feedback from anyone would be grand.

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Oinkers.....you should click on support topic near the top of this (or any) mod page. That way, it will be on the forums and anyone can see it versus taking the chance that someone will wonder into the review/comments section, which is what this is for. When you post a question..... it's best to indicate the operating system you are using as well.

Fiebre....thank you.

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Oinkers.....you should click on support topic near the top of this (or any) mod page. That way, it will be on the forums and anyone can see it versus taking the chance that someone will wonder into the review/comments section, which is what this is for. When you post a question..... it's best to indicate the operating system you are using as well.

Fiebre....thank you.

Sorry about that. Not a regular poster so I didn't even see that. If this work is anything like your previous work though then you're the man! You've kept me from having to play 2k mlb and kept this game alive for me big time

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Thanks for the work.

One note, Brett Cecil needs to be with the Jays not the AAA team. Plus his numbers need some adjusting as he's been an all-star RP this year.

I appreciate the time put in.

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Thanks Shooter....

Re: Cecil; With bringing injured players back into the roster, the space got limited. Plus using Baseball Prospectus for depth charts, I have to judge who can stay and who should go down. Users always have the option to move guys around, of course.

As far as ratings: (Post #11) - http://www.mvpmods.com/index.php?showtopic=55569

Cecil's numbers are as they are because last year he had an ERA in the 5's. I can't do living rosters. Seeing what he is now as long as he remains that way for another month, he'd definitely get a bump. Believe me, I'd like to assign pitch control by the pitch but it would just be too time prohibitive.

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