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15 Screenshots

About This File

This mod was initially a personal project never intended for release but I figured WTH. I started it after I had MVP 13 installed so that was the base for the files I extracted. I believe all the files in this mod are originals but like I said MVP 13 was the base so if any of the authors of that mod see something in mine they don't want shared I will gladly remove.

I created a file that puts the new area in centre field at rogers centre with the Rogers and Budweiser signs but because I added it to the Rogers centre mod created for MVP 13 mod I only included the bmp file of the new area out of respect of the original author. you can add it with biggui and fsh tool.

I also included a new fielding vector logo.

This mod works best with the Rogers network overlay available in downloads and MVP 14.


Totally redid all the overlays and scoreboard to be similar to the one rogers sportsnet uses. redid logos to OOTP type ones I was using. Added music including the Bat Boys OK Blue Jays song. In between innings and game intros music is the rogers sportsnet music. And a bunch of other little changes.

Unfortunately there is 7 parts to download lol.

What's New in Version 2.0   See changelog


No changelog available for this version.

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