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MLB2K15byBsuFan MLB2K15byBsuFanV6

   (20 reviews)

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About This File


What's New in Version MLB2K15byBsuFanV6   See changelog



  • Updated all MLB and MiLB transactions through 5/29/15 
  • Updated portrait ID's to match ScottyBilly's upcoming portrait pack.
  • Fixed issue with colorfile import issue and imported Raidersbball's most recent colorfile in to this roster.
  • Fixed issue where where Single A player Hunter Havery was still showing up in two organizations.
  • Includes all updates from prior releases.

  IMPORTANT NOTE:  I have discovered an issue with Michael Morse which can cause a franchise to crash if you don't have him up on a MLB squad when starting the regular season of a franchise. If he is in FA or the minors when the regular season starts in franchise mode your game will crash after the world series is over. This happens with all rosters on MLB2K12 including the default 2K rosters. That is why this roster has Michael Morse up on the MLB squad(even though he is currently on the 15 day DL in real life) and the Marlins have 26 men on their MLB squad. Once the regular season starts you can send Morse without any issues.


  • Fixed minor issue where about a dozen Single-A players appeared in the incorrect organizations. (Thanks to ScottyBilly for pointing this issue out quickly.)
  • Includes all updates from V4 


  • Updated all MLB and MiLB trades and transactions through 5/28/15
  • Updated all batting orders and pitching rotations through 5/28/15
  • Added in 150+ new prospects and minor leaguers with accurate player ratings and likenesses.
  • Updated all MLB coaching changes through 5/28/15.
  • Adjusted many player ratings to better match 2015 performances.
  • Updated all portrait ID's and cyberfaces to match ScottyBilly's most recent micro portrait pack that can be found in this thread here.
  • Updated gear, body types, batting stances, jersey numbers, and other small details on MANY players.
  • Even more pitching repertoires and pitch speeds updated or corrected.
  • Fixed all known/reported misspellings, issues, or crashes. MyPlayer and Create a players now work without issue and you can once again edit create-a-player/MyPlayer faces in game just as you could with the default 2K rosters.                                                                                                                                                             

V3 Updates:
Updated all MLB transactions through 4/10/15 (All batting orders, pitching rotations, and 25 man rosters have been left as was on opening day) 
Updated all MLB ballparks max capacities for stadiums.
Corrected cyberface ID for Terry Francona.
Corrected basecoaches so they no longer wear jackets. (Also you can see the correct last names of real life base coaches on backs of jerseys now for all 30 teams)
Removed several players from rookie eligibility that no longer qualified for rookie status.
Fixed several other small issues discovered from the community:
Fixed My Player mode with accomplishments showing up right after beginning your career.
Dodger's pitcher Hyun-Jin Ryu now bats right handed as in real life.

V2 Updates:
*Fixed a few duplicate portrait ID's. This roster now has each player with a different portrait ID # assigned.
(This means modders will be able to assign an individual portrait to each player in the roster if they so choose.)
*Fixed a few misspelled names.
*Updated transactions though 4/7/15.
*Corrected Cubs' roster to match correct Opening Day 25 man roster.

*In-depth update to player ratings on over 1200 players as of 4/4/15! 
*Accurate rosters, line-ups, and pitching rotations as of 4/6/15 
*Updated all MLB player stats through the 2014 season!!! Career stats will accumulate correctly when playing franchise games! 
*Updated all MLB and minor league transactions as of 4/7/15.
*Roster includes accurate 2015 MLB schedule for franchise play. 
*Updated all player salaries, contract lengths, and extensions as of 4/7/15
*Updated any changes to minor league team names, affiliations, and logo id's.
*Updated all MLB coaches, scouts, and trainers.
*Fixed franchise crash after during staff resigning period after 7 seasons! 
*All minor league players rated above a 55 overall are real and in the correct organizations as of 4/7/15.
*The ability to change skintone color via in-game player editor remains. (updated any known skin-tone mismatch issues)
*Updated cyber face ID #'s to match the current mods released on MVPmods. (Some players outside the 25 man rosters may still need cyber-face numbers changed to match all faces released on MVPmods.com) 
*Updated dozens of more pitching repertoires to match those of the real life pitchers.
*Updated all jersey #'s for the 2015 season.
*Updated lots of gear to match what many star players are currently wearing.
*A large amount of hours were spent testing sliders and tweaking little things to create a much more realistic gameplay/sim experience. 

All game modes (Franchise, My-Player, Create-A-Team) currently work with no known issues or crashes! 
Please report any errors or crashes to the support thread for this file.

I would highly suggest downloading all player faces and face packs released to date before using this roster. It will get rid of pretty much all of the generic cyber-faces!

*To install extract to one of the following locations:

For WinXP users: C:\Documents and Settings\UserName\Application Data\2K Sports\Major League Baseball 2K12\Saves

For Vista and Windows 7/8 users: C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Roaming\2K Sports\Major League Baseball 2K12\Saves
*This is a hidden folder and you will need to change setting in windows to see hidden folders

A special thanks to all of the great modders who have helped keep MLB2K12 alive!
Good luck and lets play ball!

User Feedback

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some portrait ID duplication

--->Billy Burns = 9476 =Kendall Graveman

----->Jonathan Walsh =9625=Evan Frey



Thank you very much for your tireless efforts in making these rosters the best there is. You need to set up a donation option for the time spent. Let these guys put their money in the donation box to show their appreciation.



I started a franchise and when I played the Braves vs Marlins the game was held at Wriggly Field with the Braves in Cards uniforms and the Marlins in Cubs uniforms.



some portrait ID duplication

--->Billy Burns = 9476 =Kendall Graveman

----->Jonathan Walsh =9625=Evan Frey

Thanks. I am planning on fixing some portrait id's and cyberface id's and re-releasing another one at some point today.

I started a franchise and when I played the Braves vs Marlins the game was held at Wriggly Field with the Braves in Cards uniforms and the Marlins in Cubs uniforms.

I have seen this happen with all rosters.. including the default 2K roster. It has only happened to me twice but it happens to my brother every 20 or 30 games on his PC. Just restart the game and everything should be fine. I just played my first franchise game as the Braves against the Marlins and everything was normal.



Awesome job my man. Worth the wait. Great detail.



BSU Fan THANK YOU 4 making this game a much more realistic PC game..I appreciate the time and hard work u put in2 these roster updates for the enjoyment of others, sacrificing YOUR time, which I know is valuable...Just want u 2 know how much u r appreciated by myself in the MVPMods community...thanx!!



It did it twice but finally at the third time everything was normal. Thanks for all the hard work you put in.



some portrait ID duplication

--->Billy Burns = 9476 =Kendall Graveman

----->Jonathan Walsh =9625=Evan Frey

Change Billy Burns' portrait number to 654



Thanks a lot for all your time and effort. Makes the game playable for current season and beyond.



Nice work, BSU Fan. A couple of portrait issues on the Braves. Brandon Cunniff is showing the Rangers Alex Claudio's portrait and Andrew McKirahan (sp?) is showing some player from the White Sox.

Again, thanks for all the hard work!



Also, the Cubs have 26 players on the roster



Hats off sir.... I tried to do this and now I really know how much work is to do it correctly... somebody should pay you or at least get a beer or something... ;)



Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!!! Love the roster!!!



Thank you !! (In ReditorII the contract staff does not last seven years.)



Excellent work!! Thanks for all the hard work.



Thank you !! (In ReditorII the contract staff does not last seven years.)

ya...all contract lengths for coaches are set to the default lengths. This fixed the crash that use to occur in last years version during the staff resigning period.



Awesome job!!!! You have even added the new managers!!!!! Thank you for your hard work and effort. I look froward to playing a season with it.



Thank you BSU-FAN. I appreciate all the hard work and effort!



Awesome job dude!!! Keep up the fantastic work!!

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