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10 Screenshots

About This File

Here's an ENB setting that has a nice crisp look with toned down bloom compared to the ENB+ settings I uploaded before.

Whiter whites. Shadowy shadows. Added bloom for sun reflections and night time lighting. :D

Follow the readme included for installation instructions!


What's New in Version 1.4


Here's an ENB setting that has a nice crisp look with toned down bloom compared to the ENB+ settings I uploaded before. Follow the readme included for installation instructions!

*Fixed blur issues and optimized for higher resolutions than HD! (1080+) :D

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   2 of 2 members found this review helpful 2 / 2 members



   1 of 1 member found this review helpful 1 / 1 member

Looks wonderful!! for some reason i cannot use a higher resolution than 1080p however, it makes the screen to large that it becomes unable to view. if you know of a fix to this or a setting i can change to fix this shoot me a message please.


   1 of 1 member found this review helpful 1 / 1 member

Exactly what I was expecting! It makes the game look glorious. Absolutely great. You won't get disappointed. Thank you so much 


   1 of 1 member found this review helpful 1 / 1 member

"Fuzzy" issue fixed. Adjusted Depth of Field which caused random issues.


   1 of 2 members found this review helpful 1 / 2 members

It left half of my graphics like i was looking through a glazed glass window or fuzzy so you get a clear picture on half of the screen and the other half is fuzzy

Splash Durham


DaSteelerz thx for the settings, check out my comment I left.

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