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Slapped Jim Davenport and Monte Irvin memorial patches on default jerseys and raiderbball20's unis from 2015. Additionally removed Lon Simmons and WS patches. Most thanks should be directed toward raaidersbball20. Started doing this a day ago so any kind of INFORMATIVE TECHNICAL advise would be helpful. OH, and I made a 1989 WS throwback jersey which I included. P>S> fragged my roster file in the process so I attached it if anyone would care to look and possibly fix it. 


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Good work. Cant speak for the technical part yet because I havent seen the files. Any questions? As far as the F-upped roster I am guessing youre using the total mod one??




Good work. Cant speak for the technical part yet because I havent seen the files. Any questions? As far as the F-upped roster I am guessing youre using the total mod one??

Thanks!.. Where does one find the templates for the uniforms and, more importantly, the typeset for the nameplates and numbers? Also, I followed jaosming's GIMP normal map tutorial and the lighting on the unis was way off: way too bright on the front half of the torso and way too dark on the back. Is there a better method or a more detailed tutorial? I ended up just layering the textures over more basic maps - so I guess that just makes certain textures just 2d.? Why does tyseditor crash every time I try to edit a team in the Marlins organization? Does that happen to everyone? Oh, I think my roster was c.t.d.ing because I had just 9 pitchers on The Arkansas Travelers. So I added Vince Foster and Hillary Clinton. I hope they get along.   



Good work... Always nice to see new modders 




Thanks!.. Where does one find the templates for the uniforms and, more importantly, the typeset for the nameplates and numbers? Also, I followed jaosming's GIMP normal map tutorial and the lighting on the unis was way off: way too bright on the front half of the torso and way too dark on the back. Is there a better method or a more detailed tutorial? I ended up just layering the textures over more basic maps - so I guess that just makes certain textures just 2d.? Why does tyseditor crash every time I try to edit a team in the Marlins organization? Does that happen to everyone? Oh, I think my roster was c.t.d.ing because I had just 9 pitchers on The Arkansas Travelers. So I added Vince Foster and Hillary Clinton. I hope they get along.   

There are no templates.  We simply use other files.  Some helpful advice placement of numbers is hard-encoded in the file so if for example you wanted a jersey with numbers on the upper right side you would use a Cincinatti Reds file and rename appropriately.  Lighting is something I have never dealt with. Kccitystar might be a little more helpful with that.  As for numbers and fonts Kccitystar and myself have access to MLB pressbox which is only available to the media but a quick google search usually renders the same results.  We custom make them.  The numbers red, blue, green corresponds to number color, outline 1&2 in the colorlist so something more complicated (ie check out my stars/stripes, camo) jerseys from this year)  that gets to be a pain in the ass to create. The Marlins are a problem for everyone.  There was a glitch in the game.  Take Ty's editor out of the 2015 Marlins uniform in the DL section.  Kccitystar tweaked it to allow colorlist importing for the Marlins.  I just asked about the roster b/c the 2015 total mod roster will crash with anymore color imports.  It was a known bug at time of release.  The 3D effect is texture 6 or the bump map. I created one as an example below.  There is a great tutorial in the dL section by DonSpa.  That is where I started long ago.   Just practice, practice, practice!  There are quite a few little quirks to modding.  You learn them as you go.



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