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About This File

Welcome to the MVP NCAA Baseball total conversion mod.  This project was created by rroy0824 and bctrackboi11.  This mod contains the following:

- 124 NCAA teams complete with full 2x uniform sets, logos, and "rosters".

- 23 custom NCAA stadiums, a group of generic stadiums, and a group of MLB/MILB stadiums that host NCAA games.

- Aluminum bats.

- Full frontend and background updates and an ESPN overlay/audio.

*Note: This mod is for play now and exhibition mode only.  You will not be able to play a full dynasty with all 124 teams due to limitations in the game.

Credit for help goes out to Homer, Jim825, grmrpr1313, and dennisjames71.

How to Install

- After you have downloaded the "MVP_NCAA.7z" file, double-click to open it.

- Extract the contents of the MVP_NCAA.7z file into a folder.

- Double-click the "explodeme.exe' file.

- Select the folder that contains a CLEAN (meaning no mods installed) copy of MVP Baseball 2005 and click "Extract".  
  Note: A CLEAN copy is a fresh install or non-modded install of the game with EA's patches installed (see below).

- Allow the program to extract all of the new content. If the installer asks for your permission to overwrite files, select "Yes to All"

- When installation is complete, start the game and play the new MVP NCAA Baseball mod!


1) It is recommended that you install MVP NCAA Baseball over a clean install of MVP Baseball 2005 with at least up to Patch #2.
2) To be able to access all of the uniforms, it will be necessary for you to install a Profile that unlocks all classic uniforms and stadiums.
3) Make sure to turn off the "Cooperstown Effect" to be able to play with all the stadiums.

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   1 of 1 member found this review helpful 1 / 1 member

Full review right here. All I want to say is great job and thank you.


   3 of 4 members found this review helpful 3 / 4 members

Quite an amazing feat.  It's a shame more will not realize it as they have moved on from MVP baseball, but that's there loss, especially with something like this iteration.  Can't imagine the amount of time put into this.

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