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About This File

Welcome to the MVP NCAA Baseball total conversion mod.  This project was created by rroy0824 and bctrackboi11.  This mod contains the following:

- 124 NCAA teams complete with full 2x uniform sets, logos, and "rosters".

- 23 custom NCAA stadiums, a group of generic stadiums, and a group of MLB/MILB stadiums that host NCAA games.

- Aluminum bats.

- Full frontend and background updates and an ESPN overlay/audio.

*Note: This mod is for play now and exhibition mode only.  You will not be able to play a full dynasty with all 124 teams due to limitations in the game.

Credit for help goes out to Homer, Jim825, grmrpr1313, and dennisjames71.

How to Install

- After you have downloaded the "MVP_NCAA.7z" file, double-click to open it.

- Extract the contents of the MVP_NCAA.7z file into a folder.

- Double-click the "explodeme.exe' file.

- Select the folder that contains a CLEAN (meaning no mods installed) copy of MVP Baseball 2005 and click "Extract".  
  Note: A CLEAN copy is a fresh install or non-modded install of the game with EA's patches installed (see below).

- Allow the program to extract all of the new content. If the installer asks for your permission to overwrite files, select "Yes to All"

- When installation is complete, start the game and play the new MVP NCAA Baseball mod!


1) It is recommended that you install MVP NCAA Baseball over a clean install of MVP Baseball 2005 with at least up to Patch #2.
2) To be able to access all of the uniforms, it will be necessary for you to install a Profile that unlocks all classic uniforms and stadiums.
3) Make sure to turn off the "Cooperstown Effect" to be able to play with all the stadiums.

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Many, many thanks to you Rroy and bctackboi for this mod and the phenomenal amount of time and effort it took.  I am more excited to play this more than any game I can think of this year.  Back in Ps2 days, the NCAA Baseball game was one of my favorites and I know this will blow that away for sure.  I am so grateful for this mod.





This could bring some new life to offline play for me.  Thanks for that.  The only minor things I saw were the 1st basemen need 1B mitts; one of the Easton bats I saw had the text backwards on the bat.  Also wondering if the players are real players which I can easily check on my own.  Thank you very much again.




This could bring some new life to offline play for me.  Thanks for that.  The only minor things I saw were the 1st basemen need 1B mitts; one of the Easton bats I saw had the text backwards on the bat.  Also wondering if the players are real players which I can easily check on my own.  Thank you very much again.

I'll look into that and might fix it in a patch later.  

As for the roster, I ranked the teams 1-124 and assigned ratings based on teams from a different roster.  The players were named using a random name generator.  So no, the players are not based on real college players. 



Ya, compared one of the rosters and saw that right away.  Regardless, that's a helluva lot of work generating all those names and creating players.  Amazing feat.  It also gives this version replay value.  I guess technically if one wanted to, you could do an actual rating comparisons and do global edits in some of the most important attributes.

Again, well, well done!



Thank You for all your hard work modders!

So much fun :)



You guys did an amazing JOB!!! Just a quick question, how do you use the aluminum bats? Is there a sound of metal hitting the ball? 




You guys did an amazing JOB!!! Just a quick question, how do you use the aluminum bats? Is there a sound of metal hitting the ball? 

No new bat sound because we couldn't find the file.  The bats just have the appearance of aluminium bats.




No new bat sound because we couldn't find the file.  The bats just have the appearance of aluminium bats.

That kool, either way best MOD OF THE YEAR!!!!



Hey Roy it is OK if you can send me the .mbe file so I can rename the rosters!




Hey Roy it is OK if you can send me the .mbe file so I can rename the rosters!

You can get it by using MVPedit.  You can rename them if you want, but the players in the game are not based on anyone.  It is not like the old football games where you could just rename WR #1 Braylon Edwards and have his ratings.



OK I got it but it would still be nice to have!

I will probably edit the names so if anyone wants them in a couple weeks I will be done them!



Great mod.  Download it and am playing it.  awesome mod.  there is a problem with one of the stadium.  It getting a missing texture.  It happen in the Ohio State stadium.

Untitled-1 copy.png



Thanks for the kind words everyone. It was truly Roy that was the driving force behind keeping this project going, especially when military commitments and health issues kept me away over the past few months. I hope everyone enjoys our hard work!



I know that nobody has probably checked this in a while, but I followed all the directions and when I open the game, it's still got the MLB stuff in it. I am familiar with modding Madden 08 so I assume that this isn't too much different. How is everybody getting this to work?

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