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Not overwriting old stadiums: It must be possible.


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Fuzzone's stadium manager is great and all. But there MUST be a way to make completely new ones without overwriting anything. I'd figure it would have to do with naming and such. Has anyone tried to do this yet? So that I could have as many stadiums as I want but won't have to have Minor League teams play at Ebbets field or wherever?

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but with the overlay selector, you dont have all the overlays in the game at once. you actually have to go back and choose.

i thought he was referring to having like 70 stadiums in the game all at once and he just scrolls thru the menu stadium selection screen as he would do with uniforms.

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There must be a place in there somewhere(data file )that tells each team where to play its home games?Now if you could assign each team(minors is where Im goin here)to a stadium each you could have some diversity in your dynasty mode playing minors etc.

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but with the overlay selector, you dont have all the overlays in the game at once. you actually have to go back and choose.

i thought he was referring to having like 70 stadiums in the game all at once and he just scrolls thru the menu stadium selection screen as he would do with uniforms.

I WAS referring to it as if they were uniforms. I'm SURE it's possible. I mean, c'mon! This is the most "Can-Do" community I've ever been in!

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