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Legit 2x?

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Through messing around with the original models.big files from a PC copy and the XBOX version, I've noticed that most of the uniforms for the XBOX are 256x256 (double that of 128x128 on the PC). So thus, I assumed that if I downloaded 2x modded uniforms on this site, they would be the same size.

In fact, I've found that most of the uniform mods that claim to be 2x are actually 192x192, which is really 1.5x.

Is there something I don't know about this or are they just being mislabeled?

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It's just a resource. For some hardware full 2x textures are too much to handle. So we decided to try a middle point. Using 1:1.5 size you have files that are just about 2 1/4 bigger (I mean area) than the original ones and there is still room to make a better looking piece. I don't know why We haven't heard about anything similar in other game comunities yet. Meybe I should move to NBA next year, althoug I know NBA unies are much harder to make. And the name... just advertising :wink:

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