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Question about camera editing


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Quick question, you guys. Thanks for the help.

I really like the over-the-shoulder camera #2. I'd like to use that for the pitching camera, but there's not a combo in the camera options to select #2 as the pitching camera. Fine, so I figure I'll just edit the datafile.txt and copy the #2 camera instructions to camera #6, which is the pitching camera.

Here's the question: am I correct in thinking that if I copy the four camera instruction lines (righthi, rightlow, lefthi, leftlow) from battingview2 to battingview6, that should overwrite the pitching camera with the default view from camera #2, right?

I have the datafile.txt decompression utility (which is great) and the editing is going fine, but I just want to make sure I'm doing this right before I start mucking around any further.

And if there's an easier way to do this, thanks for the advice.

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