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ATTRIB.dat file alterations


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Hey all

Does anyone have experience altering the ATTRIB.dat file? If so, could you explain what the first numbers mean? Do you know if one of the fields could add an .fsh file to portrait.big?

The reason i want to alter the file is because i am hoping to add an .fsh file WITHOUT MVPedit, since it gives me a runtime error that doesn't allow me to add portraits.

Perhaps the attrib.dat isn't the correct file to alter...any ideas would be greatly appreciated.

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The first value is the Player ID, which is separate than the Portrait ID (the value you're trying to change). Suffice it to say that every player has a unique Player ID and you don't want to go mucking around with this.

Here is a line from attrib.dat (this is from my Total Classics roster):

0fff505b2,0 Hank,1 Aaron,2 44,3 0,4 0,5 8,6 4,7 24,8 80,9 30,10 914,11 0,12 9,13 3,14 0,15 0,16 1,17 2825,18 1,19 9,20 1,21 11,22 14,23 88,24 14,25 10,26 7,27 12,28 14,29 0,30 5,31 1,32 0,33 0,34 0,35 0,36 1,37 0,38 0,39 0,40 0,41 1,42 4,43 0,44 0,45 10617,;

Item #17 (which I've bolded) is the portrait ID. In this case, Hank Aaron is assigned portrait ID 2825.

This is the value you will want to change.

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When i go into my attrib.dat file, the player i want to change has ..., 17 9996, ... for his photo id. This is the photo id i want, i assigned that in MVPedit, however because MVPedit is messed up i can't load a portrait in MVPedit. I was hoping this was the file that i could make a dummy .fsh file in the portrait.big file so i could make a new portrait in.

Basically, i'm trying to put a new portrait in the game, either by an .fsh file or .bmp, without using MVPedit. Is there a way to do this?

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Have you tried using the EA graphics editor eagraph? You open up the portrait.big file and then use the Tools / Import wizard to import images. I had tried this before and had a problem, but it's possible that I might have done something wrong. Since MVPEdit won't work for you, you've got nothing to lose by trying this. Make sure you backup your portrait.big file first, however, just in case.

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