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Just give me my freakin in the park HR already...


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I have now hit my 4th in the park HR this season, 80 games in, and they never give me credit for it. They either say it was a triple or once they called it a double which was total bull but thats another story, but this time I'm actually quite upset about it. I was playing in Arizona and my CAP who was 0-2 so far with 2 IBB being the result of his last 2 ABs, so when he comes up in the ninth they actually pitch to him so very patiently I wait till I get an 3-1 fastball and I thought it was gone but it was too high and comes down just short, hitting the top of the big wall in center and bounces well above both fielders heads. I'm flying around the bases and as I'm about to touch 3rd the cut-off man finally gets it but I'm truckin home anyway (I was up 5-0 so I didnt mind takin the chance), but the fielder spins the wrong way when he throws and his throw is off-target and I slide around the tag. So after the game I check the box score and they list it as a triple but they gave me an RBI! How the hell do they score it a triple and then give me an RBI for knocking myself in?!?!?! It makes no damn sense, the other times it never gave me an RBI for it.

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yea for reals, it's hella annoying, I hit one like that in the Minute Maid, hit it to dead center and it bounced off the grassy knoll over the center fielder and i ran all the way home, but the cut off man never threw it, he caught it but just held onto it and they just gave me a triple and an rbi. I also wish that they'd count hitting for the cycle, i hit for it the other day with Carl Crawford and they didn't even count it.

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It's definitly a bad glitch of some sort.

I've done it a few times with Carl Crawford and the commentators even say its an Inside the Park HR but the box score and the stats always list it as a triple and an RBI. :angry:

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  • 2 weeks later...

yea for reals, it's hella annoying, I hit one like that in the Minute Maid, hit it to dead center and it bounced off the grassy knoll over the center fielder and i ran all the way home, but the cut off man never threw it, he caught it but just held onto it and they just gave me a triple and an rbi.

I hit one exactly like that with Barrett and got NOTHING. No hit, no RBI, no run. It was scored as an error by the CF but that's bull; he would have had to be Superman to catch that ball.

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I hit a ball to the Bermuda triangle with Edgah when all I needed was a triple for the cycle. As I'm halfway to third the CF boots it and they charge him with an error and I don't even get a hit. I am listed as 3-4. I stopped as 3rd seeing as I was running away with the game and all I needed was the triple. That pissed me off so bad man.

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  • 1 month later...

yea for reals, it's hella annoying, I hit one like that in the Minute Maid, hit it to dead center and it bounced off the grassy knoll over the center fielder and i ran all the way home, but the cut off man never threw it, he caught it but just held onto it and they just gave me a triple and an rbi. I also wish that they'd count hitting for the cycle, i hit for it the other day with Carl Crawford and they didn't even count it

I had something very similiar happen to me in Minute Maid. Runner on 3rd and I hit a line drive that rolled all the way to the little hill, stopped then rolled up the hill. I was able to make it all the way around for the inside the park homerun, but only got credit for 1 RBI, and it was ruled a SACARFICE FLY!! :wall: :shrug:

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I hit one with me and the guy got called for an error and they never even credited me with a hit at all, even though the error was made wehn I was rounding 2nd! :x

I have had that happen a few times myself, usually when I get a single and then the outfielder makes an error fielding the ball. Rather then crediting the batter with a hit (with and advance to the next base on the error), the game just credits the fielder with the error. It is pretty annoying.

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Oh yes, the good 'ol dual Bermuda triangles in Fenway. How long have those been around?

I've must have gotten 8 ITPHR with them already. It seems the balls are even attracted to those two corners.

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Mastasports, or anyone else for that matter, have you tried to play a game in the Polo Grounds? I got credit for some inside the parkers when you hit it to deep center field.

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  • 1 year later...

Yes, Yes, Yes, the "lost" inside-the-park-homerun is yet ANOTHER glitch that EA just won't fix. It was a problem in MVP 2004, and still in the 2005 version. My friend has MVP 2006, and says they fixed it when two users play, but NOT when a user plays the computer! I'm not sure about computer vs. computer. You would think that they would fix it in a patch along with some of the other annoying glitches (like not calling Nelson Cruz, Jose Cruz Jr). I've decided to give up trying to complete them after getting "stiffed" several times with Rickie Weeks, I just stop at third (error or not - and just ignore the boxscore).



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I have you all beat I hit an inside the park grand slam!!!!!!!!!!! Hit it just the other day with V Dub of the Jays and they gave me 4 ribbies but no HR talk about a pissy day!!!!! He had 7 Ribbies that day...

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