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CLEAN Turner Field Thread


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Hows about a search next time my titan friend?

Well when you search for "Turner" you get back pages on page of topics with only a couple the word Turner in it you lose hope.

I did happen to open the thread you posted before I made a new topic but it looked like nothing but insults so I gave up on it early in.

But thanks for having me look deeper into it.

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BHD, make sure to include Poison in any readme that you release and in the downloads section.

This is starting to turn the corner and head in the right direction.

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It is real nice to see this project getting back on track. I was one of the doubters i admit. I also said that i would give you the benefit of the doubt which i have and said that i would apologize to you once it is ready for download which i will as well. But really man its nice to see this is coming along. A lot of us Braves fans have been waiting for the Ted for quite some time now. Keep it up man and good luck the rest of the way.

Go Braves

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Here's another...I also just realized that there is a new sign in place of the bellsouth one...i'm recording the game now and will hopefully find agood shot of it...if anyone finds a screenshot, post it



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:? 8O

What in the world is wrong with your keyboard???

:?: :?: :?:

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:?: :lol: :?:

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**This one should replace the other bellsouth...however, i didn't get the best image from the television tonight...there might be some text above the fiery baseball....if so, i'll update


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coming together Dan, the scoreboard is nice as well as the Cingular ad, I would concentrate on LF now> See, you're not bad at OEdit you just needed photoshop help

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Looks much better. Still needs a few minor touch ups though. I like the earlier "Come to Play" sign on the scoreboard. The new one is too bright. :D :wink: :D

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Is that Budweiser sign upside down?


I'm_goi-g_to_start_a_co-test_for_the_image_o-_the_score-oard,_i-_place-of_the_curre-t_-aves_logo._I_do-'t_care_if_it's_"come_to_play_or_"-raves_visio-"_or_whatever._it_-eeds_to_-e_a decent size, and in PNG format.

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Yeah dude. It was funny at first, but now it's starting to get kinda annoying.

I_told_you,_my_keyboard's_messed_up._I'll_try_to_copy_and_paste_the_b's_and_n's. :oops:

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I'd much rather have a working scoreboard.


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