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Owner Mode...No Money

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I cant find any way to earn money in owner mode. I'm using the Phillies with medium budget set. Im winning over .500 and have won almost all my home games. HELP! I'm scared I'm going to go bankrupt. Do u earn a lot of money in the offseason or anything.

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I had the same problem. Even though my team's salary was "only" around 60,000,000 $, I could not earn any money. :(

So, finally, I surrendered and downloaded a program called Artmoney, which allows you to change the amount of money in your owner mode. Let's just say my Blue Jays received a generous donation (100 mil to be exact) that gave me the chance of building a decent stadium for baseball's number one team. :mrgreen:

I know it's cheating, but i got so frustrated losing money all the time. If you want, give it a try.

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Be patient!

No matter what team you use, what size your budget is, or how well you play you wont make money till the second half.Wait till towards the end of the season, they you'll start making money.Especially if you make the playoffs.

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What I have found is the longer into the season you go the more money you make. When I first started out I was in the RED. You have to pay your bills when on road trips so I would buy promotions and upgrades prior to going on the road. That seemed to help.

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Yeah, im about 60 games into my first season of owner mode and I'm a little under $5 million in the hole. I'm play .700 or so with a good home record. I'm not gonna start worrying until the playoffs are over.

And doing a massive salary dump will not help either...cause then your sponsership gets cut down, which brings you back to square one ;)

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I found that having lower deck at $50 and upper deck at $25 got me more money/attendance. Also use promotional days on weekdays and against teams with less than 5/10 game impact. Buy more than 1000 of whatever promotion you have. Try lowering upper deck to 20$ against poor teams or if your attendance is low. Look through your roster for low performing/high contract players.

For instance: I own the Dodgers, I've traded Hideo Nomo(I like his pitching but have no use for him on my roster) and his $3.1 million dollar contract for a decent mid-twenties $500-$300k player, just saved 2 million. Do that several times.

When Game impact is at 6 or 7 up your prices to 55 / 30 or 60 /30. To learn how your team can make money, I suggest saving your game and setting prices while noting how much money you have, then simulate the next game. Reload your save game, change prices around and simulate again. The things to look for are Daily Finances - it shows you how much money you lose/make on a daily basis - look at it after a home game. If you make more after a home game than you lose on an off day or an away game, your making money. After this method I had close to 4 million after a long homestand in May!! Its tedious to load, set prices, simulate, check money, reload, etc. but it worked for me. Try to get 4 million before the season is over and upgrade stadium seating to 25000 then you'll be making cheese.

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Download ArtMoney here , select 'download from this site', the usa one was corrupt and wouldn't work for me.

Backup your MVP 2005 folder in 'My Documents' (you can just right click, send to compressed folder if you want)

-after you install it, run MVP, goto set ticket prices and take note of how much money you have. ALT Tab out to minimize MVP

-in ArtMoney, choose MVP 2005 from the 'select process' dropdown menu

-click 'search' , then in the search drop down, choose 'range of values'

-in the values box, enter in an amount 1 less and 1 more than the number of dollars you have

-in the 'Type' dropdown menu, select 'Float' , then click ok.

ArtMoney will search for that value, you will most likely get a few results but I found that the correct one was 4bytes, it was the only one that would allow me enter a number that large.. just change the value.

GO back into MVP, back out of the screen you were in , then go back to set prices... your dollar amount should change to whatever value you put in.

I entered 999999999 and it gave my 1 Billion even.

Its not hard, I figured it out in less than 5 minutes..

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i am in year 3 of my phillies franchise, and ive nearly maxed everything out. heres what i did...

i traded burrel, thome, bell, abreau, wagner, lieberthal, lieber, and maybe a few more players, and get miguel cabrera, joe mauer, jason morneau, david wright, bj upton, edwin jackson, fransisco cordero, sorry for rambling on but my point is the phillies overpay EVERYBODY. my media contract took a huge hit but my payrol went from 115 mil to around 65 mil.

also, with the 2 mil your given to start, i made EVERY DAY a promotional day. that leaves you with around 1 mil to buy some concession stands or w/e, and after year 1 i had 10 mil to spend on seating and stuff.

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  • 7 years later...

LOL............in the values box, enter in an amount 1 less and 1 more than the number of dollars you have

ok how is that even possible?

You just responded to a post in a thread that has been dormant for eight years.

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