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anyone remember roddata


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He used to make these great datafile for mvp 2004 and I just loved how the game felt with his datafile. I recently went back into his file to see what changes he made, and from what I found his changes were to batter and batterai. He also had some animation changes in his file. He also has provided a guide to editing the datafile in the download section. I took his batter and batter ai and placed it into my datafile and now I really like how the game plays. Ball speed off the bat is lowered by changing the rpm in the batter line. and distance is modded in the batter ai line 30 and 31.

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Actually, I've had 2005 about two weeks now, and I've been tweaking the new data file like crazy. The game plays differently this year, so there's been a new learning curve. It's so much better this year that I've come close to getting this thing to play extremely realistically.

I've been lurking and reading the comments from others here who have been making new discoveries. I've got a data file now that works well with all styles of play - full arcade and CPU vs. CPU simulation; as well as combination styles such as CPU batting and human pitching.

Walks are plenty, pitch counts are high, ball physics adjusted - you name it. :)

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Are you planning on uploading that 2005 datafile, RRodkey? That would be cool.

If there's enough interest. I've changed quite a few things. I used True's pitch meter mod, KSM ground ball adjustments with a few tweaks of my own, ball speed off the bat, adjusted RPM for ball spin off the bat, adjusted CPU batter discipline and AI; slight tweak to pitcher fatigue for each different pitch type.

Adjusted timing on some animations, tweaked throw speeds for some specific throws, got rid of the runner PIP, adjusted global player speed parameters, adjusted bunt physics for better bunts, infielder and outfielder postioning, some other stuff I can't remember right now.

It's not for everybody, but it's very close to producing what I consider serious and realistic baseball simulation. I'm having some really fun games and am enjoying human pitching for the first time since HH.

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rodkey, can you tell me what things you changed and sorry to ask but can you give me the lines of datafile that you edited. Just like the tutorial you posted for last years game. thanks

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rodkey, can you tell me what things you changed and sorry to ask but can you give me the lines of datafile that you edited. Just like the tutorial you posted for last years game. thanks

I'd like to release a readme that shows everything I changed. Some changes are similar to 2004, then I've found some new adjustments this year. I could list everything so that people can tweak individual things to their personal taste. Some of the areas I changed have already been discussed here. I just did some experimenting. There's a lot of good ideas on this board.

Over the weekend, I finally found what I call the "magic varaibles" that affect quality of contact for batted balls. The CPU batters had been making way too much contact - too many hard-hit balls, too many runs, not enough K's.

There's a group a variables that work together to determine the "quality" of contact. These can be tweaked down to reduce quality contact as much as you like. You can get fewer line drives and hard smashes and instead get more looping line drives, weaker grounders, short fly balls that drop in for hits, more foul balls, and more strike-outs by CPU batters. I have the foul ball slider all the way up, but I still wasn't getting as many as I like.

I was getting too many 13 - 10 games. After I finally found these variables, my team was shut out back to back. So I had to crank them back up a little at a time until I got a nice balance. Basically, these variables factor in such things as timing of the swing, pitch type, pitch speed, "mistake" of location, etc. I can't determine if they affect human batting, but I think they only affect CPU batters.

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Sounds great Ron. The RPM and Quality Of Contacts specially on cpu's end definitly got my attention. And just think, you did all this work in merely 2 weeks lol.

Glad you're finally enjoying human pitching, looking forward to your work.

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If there's enough interest. I've changed quite a few things. I used True's pitch meter mod, KSM ground ball adjustments....

I get no respect :(

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You get respect from me and my league's members every day when we use your datafile. :wink:

Yeah, I know, I'm just joking around...One of the earliest mods I released with my datafile mod was combined with Trues batting camera mod, and many people confuse the two.

I'm just glad people are still enjoying the mod.

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kams, are you coming out with a new mod as well? enjoyed your work too.

Well thanky for the compliment.. :D But honestly I don't know if I have the patience or time to really delve into the datafile right now. Besides others have already done good work with it so I hear.

lmao at kams sig

wow man tahts a huge sig is there any way u can change teh size?

LoL :lol:

Um..in case you're NOT being sarcastic, I was just trying to help reverse the trend of late of big *** sigs takin' over the forums *cough cough* like yours! *sneeze* but that's just me.

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rod, what did you do to fix the line drives?

There's several areas that affect balls off the bat, and many ways to approach them to get a desired result. In the first section: 70<batter> item #53 is hit_speed_MPH. The default value is 140. I set this down to 125. I believe this to be the maximum starting value that determines the speed of the ball off the bat. This change alone will help eliminate all those screamers.

Then, in the 54<audioai> section, there are numerous values that define ground balls, pop flies, and line drives. You can turn down the minimum and maximum speeds of hard and soft line drives. Experiment with lower values to tone down the line drives and increase soft pop flies.

The <batterai> is a powerful section to adjust contact parameters for the CPU batters. You'll see numerous entries for "contact quality". There are negative modifiers and positive modifiers. These are powerful modifiers. You can affect the overall "quality" of contact by the CPU batters. Crank them up and have a home-run fest. Turn them down and see more bloopers, weak grounders, and strikeouts and very low scoring games.

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Adjusted timing on some animations, tweaked throw speeds for some specific throws, got rid of the runner PIP, adjusted global player speed parameters, adjusted bunt physics for better bunts, infielder and outfielder postioning, some other stuff I can't remember right now.

It's not for everybody, but it's very close to producing what I consider serious and realistic baseball simulation. I'm having some really fun games and am enjoying human pitching for the first time since HH.

The No-PIP is worth it's weight in gold for me! How did you do it and what did you change? Thanks a million!


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Then, in the 54<audioai> section, there are numerous values that define ground balls, pop flies, and line drives. You can turn down the minimum and maximum speeds of hard and soft line drives. Experiment with lower values to tone down the line drives and increase soft pop flies.

Careful with this one RRodkey, these values simply help the announcers call the hits correctly, thus the <audioAI> tag.

For example, a ball that is on the ground, rolling at a certain speed will be called a "Roller", a ball high in the air but not moving very far will be called a "Pop Up". If you alter these numbers, you might end up having the announcers mistakenly refer to line drives as groundballs etc...

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