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i really want to try Rod's datafile but i'm used to the batting and picthing cams in "Datafile Final", which is the best file i've played with. i think the cams belong to either true or ksm, is there a way to insert these cams in Rod's datafile? thx

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I like the looping hits and soft liners hit over infielders heads in this datafile, however, I am seeing a HUGE lack of power overall.

Even when I receive a meatball dead red down the middle, I can't hit the ball out of the park, and this is with a slugger like Ortiz and Ramirez. The ball just kinda gets hit on a soft rope to an outfielder, when it should certainly be out of the park.

Any fix for increasing the flight of the ball on contact? I feel a definite loss of power with this datafile...

I'm on All-Star difficulty setting with user power bumped up to +50, and user contact at around +3 or 4.

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it should have spitoons pitch meter. I have ksm's batting cams and reinstalled the runner pip. My sliders seem to work well with rods datafile.. on pro level.

Took a quick look in the various forums, but would you mind posting your sliders? I just cant seem to get it to "feel" right. thanks in advance!

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big poppa, my sliders are in the thread for datafile mix 6 uploaded in the announcement thread.

Perfect! I dont think i woulda found those on my own...like finding a needle in a haystack ;)

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ok for anyone interested the line is <baserunner> if you want the PIP back w/ runners. you can use the program "compare it" to open rods file and then i used kumalas file side by side in compare it. type in <baserunner> in the search box and it will highlight the differences between the 2 files. then simply click on the arrow button beside kumalas baserunner string to copy it into rods. then close it up. of course you need to decompress and recompress the data files before and after. i used the mvp compression utitility located in the download section here in mvp05. it is an awesome program. i was able to restore PIP and add matts zoomed batting and pitching cams and so far am pleased with the results.

for those of us who had no runners but still had windows- as far as totally removing the PIP i believe you need to modify the igonly.big or igscr.big files correct?

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litmatch, I have the batting cams in this datafile, if you want it pm with your email


Please post the datafile on here that has Rod's tweaks and the other batting/pitching cams. Easier than routing around email to alot of people.



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Quote: "Any fix for increasing the flight of the ball on contact? I feel a definite loss of power with this datafile...

I'm on All-Star difficulty setting with user power bumped up to +50, and user contact at around +3 or 4."

This datafile does indeed tone down overall power. I always let the CPU bat for both teams, and I see about 3 HR's per game. I wasn't sure if Human Batting Power would be affected too much or not.

I currently think you'll see more power if you increase user "Contact" as opposed to "Power". I made almost no changes to "Power" modifiers - just "Contact" modifiers. Quality of Contact, however, definitely affects power.

Try bumping User CONTACT up to about "30" or more. If that doesn't get your power up enough, I can show you exactly what lines to change that will. But that'll also increase power for the CPU batters on the other team.

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I second that, can someone just post the datafile with the updated batting cams and with pip on, it's alot easier than having to mess with Rod's datafile.

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The runner PIP "frame" (or boxes) will still show up because it is in a graphic file and not controlled by the Datafile. It's part of the overlay. There is at least one file in the Overlay downloads that removes the frame entirely.

That's what I use - so the frame and the actual PIP are both completely gone. That way it has a nice, clean appearance.

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I played a couple of games this morning with the new RodData file, and one thing I noticed, and has already been mentioned above, is the definite lack of feeling that I was hitting with power. I played as the Nats against Oakland and won 3-1 on 12 hits (all singles!), and it just felt like I wasn't hitting any "sweet-spot" shots at all. :? But, it was a good variety of single shots...line drives, blooper shots, etc.

I then geared up against the Angels, and the first pitch of the game to Schneider was jacked out of the park for a homer. And it felt sweet and strong. :o I really think that the strong feeling on hits is more a matter of proper timing with this file, and slight mishits will give you that weak feeling. I know that's the way it is in baseball, and I feel that it is even more so with Rod's file. I like the file and will continue to play with it to see if I can consistently get those strong hits.


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Had the same experience. I lined a beautiful double with Jeter in the left field gap, one bounce off the wall. With the aerial cam on it looked so real I thought to myself, who needs the real game anymore. My contact is low as well as power and have not had many hits like that. Will need to experiment but this Datafile is really great. Before it, there was little balance and human homeruns were too frequent. Thanks Rod and Kumula!

One thing, does the Datafile have adjustments for picking off runners. I yet to do it.

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...I then geared up against the Angels, and the first pitch of the game to Schneider was jacked out of the park for a homer. And it felt sweet and strong. :o I really think that the strong feeling on hits is more a matter of proper timing with this file, and slight mishits will give you that weak feeling. I know that's the way it is in baseball, and I feel that it is even more so with Rod's file. I like the file and will continue to play with it to see if I can consistently get those strong hits.


I'm glad to hear that. The biggest adjustment I made was to the "quality of contact" parameters. I never touched those last year. But I discovered them this past weekend and found that they can really affect batted balls.

Essentially, with this data file, there is less of a positive modifier for well-timed swings. In other words, you now have to time it really well and catch the ball right on the sweet spot to "jack one out". The power is still there, but you'll only get it if your timing is real good.

Conversely, there is a bit more of a "negative" modifier when your timing is off. This is why you will see more bloops, slower grounders, etc.

I must admit that I did not know the changes would affect Human Batting. The section is named <batterai>, so I hoped it only affected CPU hitters -because the CPU hitters tend to make solid contact too often and I did not find that to be realistic.

For Human Batting - my first suggestion is an obvious one - bump up the slider for "User Contact" if you feel you can't get enough "solid" hits.

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Quote: "One thing, does the Datafile have adjustments for picking off runners. I yet to do it."

I haven't found anything. I've picked off about three runners so far. One thing that I'm not seeing is the CPU pitchers never hit my batters. I've had one batter hit in about 50 games. But I hit 1 or 2 batters every game when I pitch - even when not trying to. Got my pitcher tossed because of it.

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Very nice datafile, thank you very much. I've been using True's 1.1 before this one........and I may have to change my thinking entirely now. Two games played with my Orioles against various teams in exhibition mode leads me to believe this is indeed the datafile to use. It feels like the real thing; one tough extra inning win and another tough nine inning loss..........totally sweet in every way.

Your special arial view is totally unique........I couldn't believe my eyes when I first saw it.

Many many thanks again.


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moeberg, I have rods data with pip and ksm's batting cams. if you want it pm with email and I will send as soon as I get home from work.

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Hopefully someone will post the file with the pip.

with or without the pip? i have the file (rod's) w/ the pip in it. i wouldn't upload it because these guys have done a lot of hard work and it's rod's mod. i modified it for my personal tastes. i didn't touch the physics at all but, i added in matt's zoomed batting and pitching cams he did a while back and of course the PIP. if you like i can email it to you, to try out. not really sure if you'll like the zoomed cams i put in. i really like them though. the only thing that irritates me slightly about them is when you are pitching and the opposing team has a batter at the plate who is righty the PIP slightly covers his head. not a big deal i've gotten used to it. BUT matt's zoomed pitching cam is really worth it's weight in gold, most of the other pitching cams i have used are still just too far away. if you're interested pm me and i'll email it when i get home from work.

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tobias i sent you the file. if anyone else wants it just post and if tobias is around maybe he can send it to you since i need to run to work now. like i said. i don't guarantee you'll like the cams i have installed, but feel free to try it out. i enjoy them.

ok now, so if we want to totally eliminate PIP - window and all. what file needs to be altered? it is in the igcsr.big file i believe. is there a specific alpha that can be imported in to remove it or what? and how would it affect any overlays already installed? overlays, other than installing trues mlb on fox are something i know absolutely nothing about.

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For those wanting to know, the original <baserunner> line reads

0x779c563a 12<baserunner>;0 0.520;1 0.140;2 0.155;3 0.102;4 1;10 1;11 0;5 0.40;6 0.05;7 0.58;8 0.23;9 0;

This will restore the PIP

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Question about people who feel like the power is too much: Are you using a controller because i noticed that my friend who owns a controller hits 3 HR per game (i dont think he's using any datafile). I, on the other hand, would be lucky to hit 1 HR in a series even iwth human power boosted to 50. Oh yeah, i'm too poor to buy a controller. :(

BTW, what sliders are best suited for this datafile?

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tobias i sent you the file. if anyone else wants it just post and if tobias is around maybe he can send it to you since i need to run to work now.

Hi could either of you send me this edited datafile thanks


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I had a blast playing with Kumala's combo datafiles and sliders however, they were geared towards Pro level which i eventually found to be too easy to win games and hit homeruns. My last game i hit 3 hr with Junior, 2 with Kearns and Dunn was 4 for 5 with all 4 being homers - lol. Not my typical game but i figured it was time to try All-Star with Rod's datafile.

I just finished my first game and won 5-3, Reds over the Marlins. No homeruns but 2 came very close to going over the wall but were denied by jump happy outfielders. One of them, Cabrera crushes a mistake fastball to center field, Junior goes back back back back ... jumps the wall and saves a 3 run HR! Awesome. Because of the weird corner in centerfield in Pro Player Stadium, the highlight shows just the back of the wall then all of a sudden you just see Junior's glove pop up and snag the ball - hilarious. But of course i'm not laughing for long cause jr. gets injured on the play- 1st time in 2 seasons of play - sprained rib cage and gone for 9 days. :( So besides Jr. getting injured (bound to happen anyway) and not being able to crush 9 homers per game, it was a very exciting game. I especially love the aerial camera and gameplay seems very realistic so far.

Still tweaking the sliders though and from what i gathered from Roddata's readme file and personal adjustments and settings gathered from other all-star sliders on other threads, here's what i got so far :

Difficulty: ALLSTAR

Pitcher Aids: All turned off

User Pitch Meter Difficulty: -35

Pitch Speed: 0

CPU Pitcher Ball Rate: 3

User Pitcher Fatigue: 10

CPU Pitcher Fatigue: 10

User Pitch Control: -20

CPU Pitch Control: 30

Bullpen Fatigue Rate: 0

Bullpen Fatigue Grace: 0

User Batting Contact: 6

CPU Batting Contact: -40

User Batting Power: 50

CPU Batting Power: 8

User Bunting Ability: 5

CPU Bunting Ability: 5

User Foul Ball Frequency: 50

CPU Foul Ball Frequency: 50

CPU Swing Frequency: -38

User Outfielder Speed: -20

CPU Outfielder Speed: -20

User Infielder Speed: -15

CPU Infielder Speed: -15

User Throw Speed: -1

CPU Throw Speed: -10

User Throw Accuracy: -8

CPU Throw Accuracy: -2

User Catch Errors: 4

CPU Catch Errors: 4

User Dive Difficulty: 8

CPU Catch Effort: 8

User Baserunning Speed: 3

CPU Baserunning Speed: 3

User Runner Aggression: 5

CPU Runner Aggression: 5

User Runner Steal Speed: 0

CPU Runner Steal Speed: 0

User Runner Steal Delay: -3

CPU Runner Steal Delay: -3

CPU Steal Rate: 10

Runner Injury Freq: 3

Pitcher Injury Freq: 5

Batter Injury Freq: 2

Fielder Injury Freq: 5

I assumed Roddata meant for both CPU and USER when he only mentions one number for a setting such as Baserunning Speed, Steal Speed, Steal Delay, etc. - please correct me if i'm mistaken.

Also If anyone's got good sliders for hitting hrs. with Roddata's datafile in All-Star for people who can't hit hrs in All-Star - please post them - i seem to always find a lack of power in All-Star and not just from this datafile as others have mentioned.

As for the datafiles, big thankyou to Kumala, Roddata, Spitoon, Trues, KSM, Pared and everyone else for their hard work and making a great game even better!

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